Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Please Help My Boyfriend is Missing any advice how to handle?

My boyfriend went to workout yesterday at 11 am and never returned. I called him but he didn't answer his cell I assumed maybe he went to his friends house ( I don't have his friends number ) but he usually calls me if he stays out longer than expected when he didn't show up at 3am this morning I called the police. I am stressing out and I haven't slept all night. I called his parents who are foreign and can't speak English to try and explain. Finally I get a cal back from his father who is better in English and he advised me that everything is ok...He talked to his sister and things are ok..ok?..He never called me...he still hasn't called me. it is 7:30am and I have yet to receive a call...wtf is going on?Please Help My Boyfriend is Missing any advice how to handle?
If your boyfriends family knows that he is definitely OK, physically I mean, no accident, hospital etc. then all you can do is wait. Has there been any signs that you might have noticed recently? You had a lot of time to think in the last hours signs he left, wracking your brain with worry, and thinking the worst. Is there anything that NOW you can sort of say, OH KAY.....NOW certain little things might make some sense? If you can put your finger on some subtle things that you might have overlooked recently, you definitely are owed an explanation. I would personally not call him, but when he does get in touch tell him there is definitely going to be a heart to heart. I am glad that he is OK, however, I hope you can work this out and there is a reasonable explanation for his absence. Let him have his say, and let him know that he was very irresponsible and had you worried to death. Again, hope that all ends well.Please Help My Boyfriend is Missing any advice how to handle?
Sounds like if ';everything is ok'; - then he's okay, but for some reason he's not okay with you. I don't know the specifics of your relationship, however, it doesn't sound good. My advice, don't bother calling him at all unless he calls you. There's something you're missing (in terms of what's going on). There's no good excuse for the disappearing act.
I have to go with he may be cheating. If not cheating, then he is hiding something. Maybe he wants to call it quits and is giving you a hint. Sorry, that is just how I feel and I hope he proves me wrong. Good luck sweets.
Just my intuition, but since he has talked to his sister and he is apparently okay and in no physical harm, nor in the hospital or in jail... he has then very obviously done something wrong and cannot face you. Not yet anyway.

If I were you I would leave him a very calm message telling him to please call you back and / or get his butt home and soon! I would also indicate in that message that by his actions you know he is deliberately deceiving you about something, in which case you both need to talk. Immediately.

If you LOVE him and he has done something he is feeling shameful or guilty about then it is up to you to afford him the opportunity to come clean. Hard I know, but remember you are a mature adult.

Upon his being straight with you, you can then choose how to proceed from there.

In the meantime, calm down and get him to come back home.

good luck
any signs of him not happy in the relationship any more? or maybe he is cheating? you did the right thing about calling the cops......i would have filed a missing person on him......but if the father knows something is going on then he should tell you where he is.........if he decides to come home then talk it over or leave him....
Well I would say that he found someone new.
If his family says he is ok...I would think more along the lines of...sorry to say this dear...cheating.
Maybe he is just cheating on you boo...but you need to not worry because he'll come back eventually
maybe he's going thru something in his life and needs sometime alone... i do not see any other reason why he should be doing this unless he's intending a breakup... so for being so direct... its just how i see it.
u should think that he's maybe now thinking about u , don't get freak out , relax and wait , maybe something happend to him and he couldn't call ....

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