Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Any advice on how to conceive?

Any advice to help me conceive?

Irregular cycles 34- 58days

TTC for 18months!

Any suggestions?

I have even tried clomid

I have a doctors appointment with a specialist in 45days.

* just looking for advice on anything else that could help!Any advice on how to conceive?
idkAny advice on how to conceive?
Best way to get prego is to trak your cycle and know your body. You want to try to have sex at least 4 or so days prior to ovulation, the day of ovulation, and a day or two after ovulation to increase sperm availability when the egg is dropped. Track your Basal Body Temp (BBT) on a chart. A basal thermometer is more detailed than a regular thermometer. For instance, a normal thermometer will track your temp at 98.6 while a BBT will track it at 98.64. What you're looking for is a shift in temp by at least .40 degrees. When you see that shift, you've already ovulated and conception has passed for this month.

You also want to track your cervical mucus (CM). You are usually dry right after your period with no CM. It starts to become creamy and thicker a few days prior to ovulation, and during ovulation, it increases in volume and becomes clear and sticky, much like egg whites. That's your optimal time to have sex.

Position is missionary. Woman on top lets sperm leak out easier, and is not the most productive way. Also, lay there for at least 15-20 min after intercourse to allow sperm to move up to the egg.

YOu may also want to use an ovulation predictor kit (OPK). I think that this would be the best thing for you since your periods are irregular. It tells you that you are about to ovulate with in 12-36 hours.

HOpe this helps!
There is a system that you may be interested in. It is frustrating when things don't work when you are trying to conceive but there is also a solution out there that may help in your situation. Anyway the system helps women get pregnant naturally and most of the time they get pregnant within 2 months using the system. It's not some ordinary get pregnant tips thing, its the real deal and explains what you need to do to get pregnant and how to reverse infertility or what problems you are having getting pregnant.
You should ask to be put on birth control so you could work on regulating your period, because its hard to conceive with irregular periods. In order to conceive you have to have sex during the time you ovulate...ovulation is hard to detect, but if you record your Cervical Mucus it can help. You're most fertile when you have a creamy egg white like discharge.

Good Luck!!!

Lots of Baby Dust to Both you and all of us TTC!!!
we also tried for a baby for about 1 year ..and no luck so wat we did was that on my doctor's appt , the doc told me to take birth control pills for 3 months and then stop them and then try again for concieving.. and we did exactly wat the the doc told us and it worked.. the first month that i didn't take the birth control pills, i was preg that month..

now i m a mom to the cutest 16 month old boy in the world..THANK YOU GOD FOR THIS GIFT
I heard that drinking 1 or more cups of green tea a day can double your chances of conception. Also, I heard good things about false unicorn root. There are several things that you could do, you just have to look for them.

Hope this helps

Lots of baby dust ****************
doctor advice is the best , listen to no one as it can cause harm to yr health, unless it frm a trustworthy source.
think of Jesus...it worked for me!

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