Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Can somebody give me advice on how to get a best answer?

Can somebody give me advice on how to get a best answer? PLZ preferably for a sports catergory. Any advice plz helpCan somebody give me advice on how to get a best answer?
I just answer honestly, and at least once every 1 or 2 days I get a best answer. Obvisouly, the more questions you answer the better chance you get.

Just be honest.Can somebody give me advice on how to get a best answer?
not just a good answer will do... A great answer will be best!
you can clearly post your question and give it a long timeframe, those with catagory 2 or above will mark it either a good or bad answer and you can see which is the best from that if you don't know the right answer
Just ans in ur style..
I find that when you pick a question that you can relate to and answer it throughly you have the best chance. Good Luck!!
I generally award ';best answer'; to the most useful answer. If two or more questions are equally useful then I look to who was more thorough. If two or more are equally thorough, then I look to see who had the best spelling and grammar. If more than one answer had good spelling and grammar, then I likely will choose whoever answered first of these equally useful and correct answers.
know the correct answer, explain it clearly, use proper english, spell correctly (category), and don't use abbreviations like PLZ.

it also helps if you cite your source and give more information than they asked for.
Answer questions with every little bit of detail as you can
You might have better luck on asking your friends to sign up and then post a question. Have them purposefully pick you. Or research your answer and include a link.
ask the person
give a good answer
Know what you're talking about before you answer. Actually know the subject you're talking about. That might help. Also, make it lengthy. Not like mine. My answer is BAD.
find a question that no one seems interested in answering - if you are the only one who answers = automatic best answer!
Why care?

The best thing you can do is to not obsess on a completely meaningless thing, like your answer being picked by the asker as best, or by voters.

What do you think will happen, ultimate ecstacy?


I don't know about sports categories, specifically.

Read the question, including all the Details, and make sure you understand what the person is asking.

Then read the answers that have already been given (Refresh the screen, so you can see them all).

If what you have to say has already been given, don't bother answering; move on. When a bunch of people give identical answers, the first is usually picked.

When you answer, answer completely. Give back-up sources, when reasonable.

Be coherent and clear. Explain so what you've said is understandable.

But if you think getting a Best is going to do you any good, you're in for a big surprise; it isn't.

Get a grip.
ive had about 5 just answer to the best of your knowlege and thoroughly
answer questions that you actually know about. dont just wikipedia something because chances are someone will give a better answer off their actual knowledge. i started off with 0% best answers for basically all of my answers (like all up until 2weeks ago) and then i started to pick the questions i answer more carefully and answer the ones i have personal experience with or that i just know. then i got like, 7 best answers in about a week.

also, dont make your answer too short (about my answer length is between ok and a bit short) or too long (voters wont read it because its a pain to read lol)

hope this helps
I would love to give you advice... But I have the exact same problem! No matter how hard you try, it seems as if someone always one-ups you! Well, I will post a question in a few minutes with the title of your username and I will give you the best answer. Just to make your day! : )

(if you don't respond tonight then I will give the points to someone else who I feel deserves it. But hey, at least I am giving you a chance.)

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