Monday, August 23, 2010

Can anyone give me advice on how to make a podcast?

Download a copy of Audacity, write a script, record yourself, find a place to host the files and then submit to podcast pickle or another site like that.Can anyone give me advice on how to make a podcast?
The easiest way to create an RSS feed is to use software. A podcast is simply an RSS feed that contains an audio file in the enclosure field. The software I would recommend is FeedForAll (there is a Windows and a Mac version). The following will walk you through the process of creating a podcast using the software -鈥?/a> (there is also a built in wizard).

You can download an evaluation version from

Best of luck!

I need advice how to concive a child!?

IM married and me and my husband have been trying to concive for 7 months with no luck can u help me?

I took a fertility test and it said i was fertile so i just need advice im lost.I need advice how to concive a child!?
Change your race to hispanic.I need advice how to concive a child!?
Firstly, don't worry - it takes most healthy couples with no medical issues 12 months on average and you only have a 25% chance each month of getting pregnant.

My best find has been - it's got great advice on timing your intercourse, and plotting your temperatures. Everything's there, and you can put in your temperatures, when you have intercourse and lots of other things. Seriously, have a look - I swear by it. Best of luck to you :-)
My sister in law has been irregular with her periods and she has been trying for 3 years. I found an article online that said if you arent conceiving that going to the chiropractor might help your fertility and ability to conceive. She did it and she now has regular periods (6 months later) and the doctor said she could conceive any time now that she is regular. I know you didnt say that you were irregular..but its supposed to help with conceiving somehow too. Your husband may want to get tested too, maybe his sperm count is low.

Dont worry too much, 7 months isnt all that long even though Im sure it seems that way. My sister is studying in the medical field and said that she learned there is only about 48 hours a month that you can really conceive. (The sperm can last a little while though if you have sex before that 48 hour period) Anyways, the time span is small...dont worry about it and have fun trying! :)
Okay, most people think that you're automatically fertile 2 weeks after your period. It's int he middle of your cycle. Assuming that your cycle is 28 days, then it will be 14 days. If it is 26 days, it will be 12. That said, have sex every other day the 4 days before and the day that you will ovulate. Don't try too hard. If you don't get any results within the next 5 months, see a doctor. They can ultrasound your uterus to be sure you're ovulating. My brother and his wife tried for years.
Have you ever looked into NFP? (Natural Family Planning) It teaches you to find the days that you are the most fertile. You might want to look into that.

Also, maybe there is something wrong on his side, not your's?
Rule of thumb, try having sex 1-2 weeks after your menstrual cycle. This is when your ovulating. It's when you are most able to get pregnant.
Stop trying and forget about it, that usually works.
see a doctor. he/she can give the advice you really want not yahoo answers people
Don't use a condom
do u know if ur husbands fertile?

and if he is just keep doin it

How to make curly hair healthy and beautiful again? 10 points to best advice?

do to over processing, dying my hair and heat! help me pleaseHow to make curly hair healthy and beautiful again? 10 points to best advice?
You should use a leave-in conditioner that will moisturize your hair.

Infusium is too light. The only leave-in conditioners that work wonders are made for Black people's hair. I like SoftSheen-Carson's Optimum Oil Therapy's 3-n-1 Creme Oil Moisturizer. It comes in a yellow bottle and contains oils like jojoba and avocado etc., and is a white creamy lotion with a fresh clean scent.

Just use a little dollop and it'll smooth out the frizzes and make your hair shiny without looking or feeling greasy. And it works to protect hair from heat styling. It also replenshes lost oils from chemical processes such as dyeing etc., so hair feels like hair again.

You can find it at any drugstore in the black hair care section.How to make curly hair healthy and beautiful again? 10 points to best advice?
I've had the same problem, and what I've been doing is I've stopped dyeing my hair but i still straighten it but i make sure that i use lots of heat protective spray. I also use herbal essences shampoo and conditioner for dry and damaged hair. If you can try and just leave it alone for a few months just keep it tied up.

find a good deep conditioner and use it a few times a week. and dont use any products with alcohol in them as the first ingredient.
after wasking put conditioner and a hot wet towel for as long as the towel get cool or spray shine on after coming each day .

How early are you allowed to take maternity leave in Scotland, UK?? REALLY NEED SOME ADVICE!!!!!?

I am 5 month pregnant and due after the 01/04/07 so meant to be due 9 month maternity leave. I am not handling the pregnancy too well, I am ill almost everyday, so me and my partner have spoke about it and think it would be wise to consider taking maternity leave earlier than originally thought!!

When is the earliest I can take it?? I also dont know what I am entitled to as I work, most mothers I know dont work so get benefits, but I have been told that i should have been getting milk/fruit tokens, family credit from 20 wks etc.

Does anyone know for sure??How early are you allowed to take maternity leave in Scotland, UK?? REALLY NEED SOME ADVICE!!!!!?
The link i posted below if for your region and should help

good luck

Free advice on how to change my screensaver to a new one?

i want to change my original screensaver i have now to a new one how do i do it? At no charge for your informationFree advice on how to change my screensaver to a new one?
Go into your Desktop properities, pick the Screen Saver section and pick one. If you download or install another one, you will only make your computer run slow. So pick any one of the screensavers that came with Windows. Doing otherwise would be foolish.

Good luck and Happy Computing!

Any advice on how to do my hair and makeup like this?

She's this girl in my school who I don't really know too well but always see her facebook and think omgg i want hair and make up like that! advice on how to do my hair and makeup like this?
Makeup? She wears a pale, shimmering eyeshadow with no eyeliner and some mascara.

Or she just lines her waterline in black.

Hair? Curl it and pull it in a side pony.
  • skin
  • Need advice on when to plant pasture seed in E SanDiego county. What kind of seed. How to plant. Where to buy.

    Seed is very specific to location. You can't just plant any type of seed and expect it do well. With that said, call your county Cooperative Extension Office, if the local office can't help you call the University, typically there is someone on staff that can help you. Ask for someone in agronomy.

    Or. Call your Farm Service Agency (FSA) or the County Conservation District (look under federal agencies for both in your phone book).

    Or look under seed company in the yellow pages of your phone book.

    The best choice is the Cooperative Extension Office, they can advised you on the best choice of seed and how and when to plant it. They may also have a list of people who can do it for you.

    Considering your location and the amount of agriculture still going on, you shouldn't have any problem getting help.

    Good luck.

    Relationship advice, or how to deal without one

    I keep finding myself in relationships with crazy BI CHES and as soon as I get rid of one, another shows up. I want to stay single but then I find myself getting lonely and starting the cycle over again. I feel I can't have a good relationship until I learn to be happy living by myself. Do you have any suggestions to make living alone more barable?Relationship advice, or how to deal without one
    dont stay in everynight by yourself! go out with your friends, or get a lodger to come live with you, of the same sex, haha they could be your new best friend! lol, haha random thought ! x

    I just got me a 6 week old pit..and i need some advice on how to train him to use hes wee wee pads..?

    and anything esle usefull that might help me be a good dog owner...thanzI just got me a 6 week old pit..and i need some advice on how to train him to use hes wee wee pads..?
    ';Richrozw'; is completely off the mark. Puppies need 4-5 meals a day, especially at such a young age, to keep their blood sugar and energy up throughout the day.

    By the way, he REALLY should be with his mom and littermates for another 2-4 weeks - you're depriving him of some important canine social skills that he desperately needs.

    And seeing as how a breeder let you take a puppy at only 6 weeks, I'm going to assume you get the dog from some stupid, ignorant backyard breeder who breeds whatever dogs resemble the pit bull, but aren't registered or health checked or shown in dog shows. Did you meet the dog's parents or at least the dam? Do you have any assurance of health, temperament, a spay/neuter contract, an assurance that the breeder will take back the dog at any point of his life?

    I know you asked about using potty pads, but you're going to have more problems on your hands than getting that pup to use the bathroom properly. So many foolish and cruel people breed pit bulls just to make money, and if that is the kind of person from which you got your dog, then your dog could possibly be inherently aggressive.

    Back in the day, we bred bully breeds to be steadfast and safe with people - because people had to interfere in dog fights and couldn't risk being bitten. But disgusting, snivelling men (yes, I'm saying men, I haven't come across any women dog fighters in my time) who are so cruel and insecure that they feel the need to abuse other creatures and possess animals that are frightening - THEY are the ones breeding these unstable pit bulls that run around and maul everyone. Some strains of pit bulls aren't exclusively dog-aggressive anymore - they're people-aggressive too. And it makes me madder than hell.

    Anyways, about training your puppy. Despite my sour ranting, congratulations! Puppies are awesome and it's a great feeling to take care of something that relies on you so much. Your best bet for housetraining is a schedule like the following (courtesy of

    1 ~ Choose the spot outside where you would like your puppy to go to the toilet (eliminate).

    2 ~ Keep your puppy in his/her crate, pen area or even tethered to a chair where you are working. Your puppy cannot have free run of the house at this early stage, he must be confined. Every 60 minutes take your puppy straight to the designated toilet area outside. Carry your puppy or walk out on leash.

    3 ~ When you reach the toilet area walk back and forth or circle around and around. At the same time say and repeat a cue word you would like to attach to the act of your dog eliminating. I use ';hurry up'; but just pick out a cue word or short phrase and stick with it. In your dogs mind you are building an association between the cue ';hurry up!'; and him emptying out. This is the first obedience training command you will teach your young pup.

    4 ~ If your pup does eliminate continue to repeat your cue word and the instant your dog finishes doing his business enthusiastically praise and reward him with a small tasty treat. Make it clear that you are very happy with him and that he is the best little puppy on the block! If after 3-4 minutes of circling around your puppy shows no signs of needing to eliminate take him back inside (put in crate or pen) and try again in about twenty minutes.

    5 ~ Immediately after a successful toilet trip outside you can allow your puppy some free play time (under supervision) in the house. Just spend some time enjoying the company of your puppy, then place him back in his crate or pen area.

    6 ~ Continue with this 60 minute puppy house training schedule, you'll be rewarded for sticking to it. Remember that you are trying to prevent any mistakes and at the same time establish good habits in your little puppy.

    7 ~ ';What about overnight?'; I hear you ask. Yes well, firstly do not feed your puppy close to bedtime and take away his water before you go to bed (don't forget to put it back first thing in the morning). You'll need to set your alarm clock to go off once and possibly twice throughout the night. This is an important step, just take your puppy out to the toilet area as usual and then hop back into bed. When your puppy is young it is physically impossible for him to hold on all night, but before long you will both be sleeping peacefully right through the night.

    As far as a feeding schedule, it is best to your pup breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner - remember, you want to keep his blood sugar and energy up throughout the day! If you space each meal about 3 hours, that'd be breakfast at 7, brunch at 10, lunch at 1, and dinner at four. That gives him plenty of time to potty before going to bed. And you always want to feed and water a puppy, then take him outside about 10 minutes after he's done - eating stimulates his whole digestive system and he'll have to go promptly.

    You can keep puppy pads in his crate to soak up the urine if he has an accident, but I've found it's hard to transition from letting them go inside to having to go outside. And the crate should only be large enough for him to walk in and stretch out - it it's too big, he'll poop/pee in one corner and sleep/eat in the other, defeating the purpose. Puppies like to be clean naturally, so that works in your favor.

    I also highly recommend 'Puppies for Dummies,' it's got a yellow labrador pup on the front. It's great reading and has tons of useful tips.

    I hope this is helpful and informative! Best of luck to you and your dog! : )I just got me a 6 week old pit..and i need some advice on how to train him to use hes wee wee pads..?
    Congrats on your new puppy.I am not going to rant and rave about the breeder or the age of the pup,you have more than enough already.I have to agree the pads are not very good ,hard to break them of the pads.Like someone in a previous answer ,take them outside at regular intervals to the same spot and as the pup gets older you can extend the time you take them out.Most Pits are eager to learn and please you,so consistency is the key.I must warn you ahead of time they love to chew on things,even after their teething is done.Also they are great escape artists ,if they can't go over it they will find a way under it. Our 5 yr.old Pit learned how to open the gate in our yard now it has a lock on it.As far as exercise goes give them a lot,we run ours in a field every day for about an hour. In case of bad weather they get to play on the treadmill.Please just try to be consistent with your training and socializing them.Eventually you will see the progress ,and you get to show people how great this breed really is.Good Luck
    What stupid unreputable moron backyard breeder sold you a six week old pup? In most states it's against the law to sell a pup before it's eight weeks old. Take it back to the BYB and get your money back. Then turn them in to the proper authorities.

    Teaching a dog to go in the house on WEE WEE pads is a horrible idea. It just teaches the dog that it's OKAY to pee and poop in the house.
    I had a pitt for 16 years before he passed. I trained him to do a lot of things with kindness and treats. BUT... he never stopped peeing indoors. If there was a box, plastic bag, plant, purse etc... on the floor he was going to pee on it as soon as my back was turned. He was the most loving, attentive animal I ever had for a pet. Great with children and very easy going with people as long as they didn't act like they were going to harm you. But other male dogs he'd fight (if they weren't fixed) and he did bite a person when he thought the guy was going to hurt me. But then it was one bite and let him go. So train him well, take him out alot and treat him with kindness and he should be a great dog. But if you have to leave him alone in the house...I recommend locking him up where he can't hurt things by peeing on them...Oh yeah one other thing.. When he wanted to get out of one room lock up, he ate the doorjam. Good luck.
    whatever you do, DO NOT be mean to that dog or it will think it has to be mean. that includes grabbing it by the nose and shaking it trying to get them to bite you playfully. get it some toys like ropes and balls. mine seem to like those the best. never let the pup bite you, playing or not. i have one that i was rough with and now he has to stay on a chain because he doesnt like any of my other male dogs. he tries to fight the males but the females are fine. i have one i keep in the house and she will do anything i tell her. i can talk to her like a person and she knows what i am talking about. give the dog undevided love and it will be your best friend for life. (by the way: you CAN take the pups off the mom at 4 weeks old. i start feeding mine food at 4 weeks old because by then their teeth are coming in and the mom cant stand to lay there getting clawed all up.i dont take them off at 4 weeks but i do start feeding them food. if you leave the pups on the mom for more than 6 weeks you are killing the mom. you can make her get a fever in her utters and mess her up really bad. )
    The next time he pees on the floor take a pad and soak up some of it and take a couple of chunks of poop and put them on the pad too (in one corner). Right after feeding take him to the pad. Only feed once a day at the same time.
    it should still be with it's litter-mates and mother for another two weeks.

    read up on training it. take out books at your local library, read tons of sites, and talk to other dog-owners.
    Buy some books on dog training. you're gonna need them!

    I'm a 25/m never been w/ a girl-Need real honest advice on how to attract and meet girls to date. Thanks!

    Prefer real experiences, strategies, personal successes THAT worked.I'm a 25/m never been w/ a girl-Need real honest advice on how to attract and meet girls to date. Thanks!
    I know several people that have went through things like EHarmony or similar sites, and have had great success at least having some dates, and I have seen a few get married to people in this way. Now man to man, the one thing that you have working against you is that 1. you're a virgin, which may sounds like a huge bonus for women, but is screams weirdness or will cause them to wonder why you have not been with anyone before. And 2. You have such little experience you will be like hiring a pre-med student to do open heart surgery. Ok, now for the good stuff, and sorry to rain on the parade if that is how you felt reading that. Good stuff- You may find a woman that also has not dated much. They are out there. Or you might find some woman that would like to take you in and teach you a few things, and appreciate your innocence, for lack of a better term. They are out there.

    You could always get bold and put yourself totally out there in one of those online dating sites, tell the truth and see what happens. You will have to be confident and reel them in though, they won't just come to your door.I'm a 25/m never been w/ a girl-Need real honest advice on how to attract and meet girls to date. Thanks!
    First, resist the urge and do not try to hard. That freaks girls out.

    At 25, you're beyond the picking girls up at the bar scene (never a good idea when people are that age even). Go to the grocery store, join a church group, join a sporting group, join a gym and take some classes, take a night class, have your friends set you up, and my friend who is 32 did the internet thing and really found a good one for him. There is no shame in it anymore, 'cause it doesn't really get a whole lot easier. (Sorry, but dating at 25 was a lot easier than it is at 33!)

    Again, don't try to hard. Clean yourself up, make sure you got good teeth (a big one for me) and get out there! When you feel that it's not working and you know that you're trying to hard...stop and walk away.

    Good luck! You'll do great!
    Just be yourself. If you change yourself for someone then you cant really be honest in the relationship. If she likes you for you then thats the best ones. Only change for you if your not happy with who you are then change. Some other clean at all times...girls really dont like body odor. dress nice but not over the top just clean jeans and a tshirt goes a long way. Dont be rude or make rude gestures. We really dont like that or the lame pick up lines. If you want to say something to a girl say something honest like i love your hair or you have nice eyes. Dont say anything you dont mean. And dont talk about her in a rude way to your friends because trust me she will find out...not good. Hope this helps.
    When I was about 18 or 19, I was working at a courthouse. I was seeing this person I worked with. I really liked this person a lot. This person was single, and dating, and I was single and looking, and we really hit it off at our work place,,,,,, I thought it would mature and go even to the next level.

    Then one day I went to visit my parents. While there I met a truck driver,,,, who, by the way, both my parents approved of.

    Not that it mattered...

    Then one evening prior to leaving to go back to my house, my dad asked me to run an erron in town,,,,and well because I wasn't old enough (at that time) to purchase what he wanted, he suggested that this truck driver take me, and bring me back. Well in the process we found out that we had a lot in common. And we seemed to hit it off right away...good conversation, we laughed a lot..... Then later on I found out that he was married, (but not happily married),,,,, then one day I went to a nearby grocery store where I lived, only to bump into him, and found out he lived within 2 blocks of where I lived. One day while at my job, I sort of told my co-Worker,,,that I was interested in someone else, and I'd been seeing him.... now Ken worked where I did, he had a nice car, ( paid for),,,he owned a nice home (paid for), he had no baggage..... He had been married briefly but no kids, and no responsibilities,,,other than for his self. That really did appeal to me, I being a single young parent of one 6 month old son.,,, but I had my eye on this married truck driver, who indicated he was in a miserable relationship, and wished he could get out of it.

    One day after a miserable day at my job, I got home to find my baby fed, and bathed, the dinner on the table, complete with wine, and flowers, and desert. The house was spotless.

    My son was laughing and happy and playing peacefully,,,,, when he looked me in the eyes and asked for sex.

    Now at this point I probably would have been naked just at having dinner all ready...... but he could see I was hesitant.

    He didn't say a word, but after dinner, he just went home,,,, he called me later, and said ';It's cuz I'm married huh';? I said, ';Yeah, and while I like you a lot, and I find you extremely attractive,,,, I'm not a home wrecker, and when you get on my level,,,, we'll talk.

    I figured ,,, ok, well I'll probably never see him again, and you just blew it.... Then one day about 2 weeks later I was at a laundry mat doing diapers, when from behind me came an arm, and attached to it, was a receit where he'd paid an attorney to begin divorce proceedings....... and he was there to ask me out to celebrate,,,, just dinner and maybe a movie. I told him I didn't have a sitter.... He said, ';Good, bring him, I don't want it any other way'; !!!

    Well I'm here to say that was almost 35 years ago, and we just celebrated 34 years of marriage. There will never be another husband for me...... EVER.

    And I cannot imagine my life without my wonderful hubby in it. He still cooks on occasion, and he still trys to put that ';WOW'; factor into our every day lives...... Most of all he just makes me laugh. We raised 3 good kids, we have 10 grand kids, and 1 great grand son, and another great grand child on the way.

    June 9th we were married 34 years, and our love continuelly grows strong every day.

    _______________________ My hope for you is that you don't give up on finding that ';right one';,,,,, your young, and when the time is right, you'll know it, and your heart will beat right out of your chest. Your palms will sweat,,,,, You'll say and do some incredibly stupid things....and wonder why you did them....... that sir is love.........

    Good Luck to ya !!!!!!
    girls tend to fall for friends. i know i have. just spend time with a girl and show her you care about her. even if she doesnt like you she could end up liking you. i know that has also happened to me and we ended up dating for about a year. and we are still best friends.
    Well, theres not really a confirmed ';strategy';, but being outgoing, and talking to them works well, if you try and be nice, and funny, it works, its worked for me plenty of times, just be yourself, and try talking to different people.
    you need to be open and outgoing and hang out with females more. if there aren't girls around where u are that you could do that with( like my town, theres NOTHING to do)..move. fresh start, new people. have fun! and most importantly do not push it. it'll come when u least expect it.
    Be cool and hand out with cool dudes..not nerds

    always act self confident even when you are not

    don't always go for a ';10'; as you are probably not a ';10';

    learn to listen to what a women says and always be a gentleman
    I just started hanging with buds and hooking up with there friends who are girl. Self Confidence is the Key. I met my current GF just randomly browsing single girls near my area on Myspace. and Just be confident and just be nice and compliment them.
    Watch their personality, and do many things. See which things get more of a positive response from her, and do more of that. Maybe be sensitive too. Just make sure to watch for the signs that she may like something certain about you.
    you should try to talk to girls be nice and respectful to them ask out one of your friends out to dinner try flirting with her and be nice and maybe shell fall for you and go out with you
    Talk to them, you need to get over the fear. You'll get more comfortable after a while. If your a nice guy, they'll have no problem going out with you.

    Good Luck, ;-)
    be yourself before you can be called ';40 year old virgin';
    be yourself laugh an have fun an stay away from the sex topic women dont like dat at all at least the good ones cause theres chick willing to do anything for money so watch it.. though luck joe bro .. later
    Be yourself and it will come
    I would suggest that you could meet a nice girl through someone at your Church.
    go to hte mall or movies try to look yur best and start hitting on them it works with my guy
    well i dont want to gve u advice but just ask iif u have a myspace??mine is

    if u do wanna hook up?

    Need advice on how to cool a room...?

    My vaulted ceiling living room has no venting whatsoever. It is however attached to the dining room where this is one vent. It does not cool very well at all and its very hot in my living room area and warmer than it should be in the dining room. Does anyone have any ideas on how to help cool this room down. Does anyone know if they make window units for crankout windows or anything like that? I live in a VERY old house that was built in the 1800s and dont have a solution.Need advice on how to cool a room...?
    They have sand alone units now. I don't like them but they seem to get decent reviews. Look into some of those.Need advice on how to cool a room...?
    if you have alot of windows or even a few that get a lot of sun or just sun through out the day, when youre gone (work, shopping,ETC) you should use some heavy curtains that block out all the sun and when you get home it will be a lot cooler
    I believe that installing new crank out windows would be worth while and my only other suggeation would be that if you are finding that your house is humid, try useing a dehumidafier. Beings as your house is very old, it is more prone to mold and the dehumidafier(that word is very annoying to type!) will help to reduce mold caused by humidity.

    I hope you will find some solution!

    Aisolicious Selly
    So, WantToLose, what's happening? Aahh, yeah, it's very hot right now isn't it? yeah...

    Umm...yeah, you could strap a fan to the vent at the dining room, and in front of the fan place something cool, like an ice pack...yeah, it should make the air flow cooler...

    I will give you three tips. 1. install a ceiling fan 2. Select insulated curtains. 3. Decorate with cool colors such as blue and white
    There are portable air conditioners that need no outside vent.

    Just place them where you want and turn them on.

    I am trying very hard indeed to stop think about sex. But I can't. pls give me some advice how do i stop this?

    its natural to think of sex. you may not think so, but there are people who think about it all the time! its a hormonal things. you can try doing things like social activities that take a lot of brain work. like certain sports: soccer, baseball, basketball especially. if you devote yourself to other things. youll find it easy to not think about sex as often. dont think that your thoughts will just disappear, though. theyll still be around.I am trying very hard indeed to stop think about sex. But I can't. pls give me some advice how do i stop this?
    Repeatedly punch yourself in the wanger. Naughty! Bad wanger!I am trying very hard indeed to stop think about sex. But I can't. pls give me some advice how do i stop this?
    I think about sex all the time to would you give me advice to.
    There is nothing to worry...........For me, sex some thing I can't live without.
    think of your granny naked!! lol voila! you did ask!
  • skin
  • Any advice on how to control my voice when I TRY to sing?

    I'm going along the lines of Ville Valo or Jyrkie69. I want a deep strong voice but not like Rammstein. I can only sing deep-ish but that's it. I can't hit high notes and when I try to go low it sounds like crap. Any advice on vocal control?Any advice on how to control my voice when I TRY to sing?
    This sounds like a breath control issue. When you have problems with both low and high notes, you should definitely check your diaphragmatic breathing. You've got the notes in there, but shallow breathing can cause these notes to shut off. And no, I don't think you automatically need to take up the drums. LOL! There is possibly a solution to your problem. And by the way, cold water never hurts the voice. What matters is that you drink plenty of water. The form of it being hot, cold, lukewarm, really doesn't make a difference throughout the day.

    As I share this exercise before, I will repeat this for you. Get in front of the mirror. Lay your ands flat on your abdomen parallel to eachother, with only the tips of your middle fingers touching. Now, instead of shallow breathing (which is when you breathe from the high chest area), take a deep breath, transfering all that air to your abdomen on inhale. Meaning, fill your abdomen up with air like a balloon. You should feel a little fat or your abdomen should expand, and your middle fingers will slightly part. Now, exhale SLOWLY. Don't PUSH the air out. Try to stay filled as possible on exhale. By the time you are ready to inhale again, your middle fingers will touch again. This is what we call diaphragmatic breathing. The diaphragm, if you are breathing correctly, works in contrast to the muscles around it that YOU control, in order to reach your full breathing capacity. It takes some time to get used to, but continue to try this exercise until you get it deep into your psyche. After this, add scales or notes. You will sing the scale instead of slowly exhaling the air out. BUT it is the same premise. Preserve the air as you can, meaning, don't blow all of the air out when you sing the notes.

    Try this breathing exercise and vocalize the same way EVERYDAY. If you feel your upper body or shoulders move when you are doing this, just stop. Try again. Get back in front of the mirror until you feel comfortable without it. The more you use this exercise, the more notes you will be able to support. You will find the high and low notes will not be such a struggle. Also, when you reach the opposite ends of your range, never BLOW out the notes. Don't force them out. It should feel the same way as your slowly exhale. Let them work for you, not against you. Don't overwork your body. If you get that into your system, it would change the quality of your high and low notes tremendously. Also, if you can, try to find a good voice teacher to help. If not, I would go with this exercise over and over again until you see a difference. This type of breathing works for ANY genre of singing (even rock), and it can help you have longevity on stage too. Good luck to you and keep singing!Any advice on how to control my voice when I TRY to sing?
    don't drink cold doublesur voice.....when u talk..........
    Sounds like you should take up drums or Guitar if you wish to be a performer.

    Does anyone have any advice upon how to get into food development or where to look for testing kitchen jobs? (

    Are you currently working in food development or have testing kitchen job? I would love to hear fromDoes anyone have any advice upon how to get into food development or where to look for testing kitchen jobs? (
    Get a job at a local deli, they always hiring, they cant seem to keep enough help.Does anyone have any advice upon how to get into food development or where to look for testing kitchen jobs? (

    I have just been diagnosed with seizures, only when I am sleeping. any one have any advice on how to deal?

    Well my boyfriend is epileptic and just make sure there are no tables by your bed or your bed is not very high off of the ground. Just take your medication beacause my boiyfriend doesn't and it just make matters worse. Also make sure you do get a good nights sleep, sleep depriving yourself just makes it worse. I hope it helps.I have just been diagnosed with seizures, only when I am sleeping. any one have any advice on how to deal?
    oohh. that is relaly dangerous. have someone sleeping in the same room with you at all times. my sister used to have these. she grew out of them though. but they are really dangerous. because u could die if you dont get the hospital soon enough or something .idk. thats just all i heard from my sister. i dont mean to scare u or anything but yeah.

    good luck :))

    %26lt;3I have just been diagnosed with seizures, only when I am sleeping. any one have any advice on how to deal?
    yeah i have the same problem so if you find out somthing about it contact me and if i do ill contact you
    my friend has same problem just take your meds and try to control it best advise is to go to bed at decent time and not when your to tired to move
    that is what they told me, too. i don't like meds. took something for awhile but decided to quit. after a few weeks, i did indeed have a severe seizure and really chew up my tongue. probably needed stitches but doctor was annoyey with me and would not even look.

    the meds, by the way, made me even more stupid than i am and i really hate that. i also hate doctors with their expensive wonder cures that my ancestors lacked for a few thousand years. i am very, very suspicious of doctors. you should make a big effort to get smart on anything they want you to purchase. they are not all people think. they have done great harm to me and family over the years.

    there are situation when you must seek their help but take an extremely conservative view. they are not all they think they are, either.

    it is a business and never forget it. they have the same goals as the managers of walmart or general electric.
    ask a doctor
    I trust that you mean you have peti mal, My daughters have peti mal but only when they are are awake never in their sleep , they both take medication and there is not any problem, They have an excellent consultant neurologist who is based at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow Essex.

    If I can be of further help add a reply to your question
    can you be more specific? there are many, many seizure disorders. if you state specifically which one you were diagnosed with, you might find a friend who is in the same situation. I have partial complex seizures, but they are kept fully controlled under medication.…


    Not all epileptic seizures are noticeable. For some, they can occur while a person is asleep, making epilepsy hard to recognize and also more severe. Learn how to break out of this vicious cycle.

    I found this site. Hope it helps
    not without knowing your entire medical history and I wouldnt advise putting that on YA, but whoever made your diagnosis would be able to give you any amount of advice about it.
    i dont kno much about this but mabe u shud make sure someone sleeps close by to u
    i have seizures to try not to worry i know it hard not to. I'm making the most of my life just because have seizures u don't have to stop doing the thing u love. it used to affect me when sleep it don't now. used come around go back into me. fine myself on the floor. so don't worry. if you ever want to ask anything you are welcome. i have nead. if you ever need chat I'm always around. love soph xxx
    I have epilepsy - and I have never had one while sleeping. I have tonic clonic (grand mals) and simple partials (where I zone out at something and I'm suddenly not all there. Have they diagnosed you with epilepsy or a seizure disorder? Have they put you on meds? I take Lamictal and Clonopin. What happens when you seize when you sleep- are you aware of it when it's happening? See a GOOD neurologist. Good luck to you. Having a seizure is very frightening and NO fun. If your doc hasn't put you on meds, which I think you should be on- something, I would try your best to relax before you go to sleep and do not drink alcohol.
    Take your medication always.....

    If you have grandmal seizures in your sleep, get a baby monitor for your room. Put the reciever in a room were someone else sleeps. Also keep large bulky objects away from the bed so you can't pull them down on you.
    OH no! I am so sorry. That is serious I suggest that you ask a doctor. I know that most people sould say just not to sleep but everyone needs sleep to stay healthy. Ask a doctor. Please. You seem so nice I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you. Remember more than likely you will be ok.


    GET WELL SOON! :) :)
    When your sleeping? Could you email me and explain the details of what happens when you have these seizures, cheers.
    hav ur mom chec on u every 3 to 4 hours

    Okay so I need some advice, how do I get him to kiss me?

    me and my friend are going to fight( jokingly) anfter school, but were really aggresive and yet really good friends(best friends) . how do i get him to kiss me before during or after the fight.Okay so I need some advice, how do I get him to kiss me?
    Kiss him on the cheek or neck. It'll let him know that you're open to something more, and he can take it from there. If it doesn't work out, you can always say it was an accident!Okay so I need some advice, how do I get him to kiss me?
    grab his nuts iy always works onme when my gorl whants to kiss me!!
    where some revealing clothes
    If I were you I would go buy one of those wax lip candy's with the buck teeth and while wrestling take it out of my pocket and put it on.

    When he see's it both of you will have a good laugh and you can ask him ';So do you like my real ones better?'; and when he say's ';Yes'; then ask him to prove it.

    Close your eyes and pucker up and kiss him lightly on the cheek and if he likes it the two of you can go from there.

    I always like to laugh and do stupid things to make everyone laugh because of the stupid stuff that I do.

    One time at work I noticed the boss getting cans out of a pole that went all the way from the ceiling in the warehouse down to the floor.

    I asked him what he's doing and he said ';People put their empty cans in here and I collect them for the money';

    So what I did was smash a whole bunch of cans and put them in the pole and waited to see if he'd come around with his coat hanger.

    The opening in the pole was just big enough to stick the coat hanger into and look at the cans to fish them out.

    He was there most of the entire day trying to get those cans out and I've never laughed so hard in all my life watching him.

    Laugh and the whole world laughs with you.
    eye contact with a you know what i want smile. if he is brave enough he will. but eye contact is one way. if he has any experience with women he will know what up.
    Umm... pretend to be hurt and say you need a kiss better? Or before it starts ask for a kiss for luck :)
    well, whats the fight for ? may I suggest winner gets to kiss the loser? win win situtation!
    grab the balls area and yank them really hard!!!
    You could ask him to kiss you, but that takes

    a lot of courage.

    First of all your posture should be open. Sit or

    stand close to him. Face him. Look at him, not at the

    ground. Don't cross your arms or lean away; or,

    instead of ';kiss me'; you'll be saying ';kiss off!';

    Look into his eyes. Smile. Get close to him. If you're

    not holding hands yet, do it. Ask him to help you

    remove an earring, or undo the clasp of that gold chain

    you're wearing. To do that he's got to put both hands

    on your neck.

    Now turn your head, and look in his eyes, and be quiet.

    Smile. If he says anything, just interrupt and whisper

    his name softly. He'll kiss you for sure!
    Exercise. If he doesn't want to kiss you now, slapping his arms isn't gonna help. Exercise and wear some provocative clothing. Alcohol never hurts either.
    Well be careful because in guy world that is uncharted territory and it can be suspensful. Maybe he does not want to ruin the friendship that you to have. It could be a lot of things, the most realistic would be that he is scared and maybe wants to kiss you but can't find a good time to do it. Go easy on him, because guys under strain tend to do stupid things.
    grab his schlong
    close your eyes and pucker up!
    stop asking these dumb questions
    So I've got this straight, you're talking about fighting with your best friend, who's a guy, who you like, right? If that's the case, don't do it tomorrow. Call him up now, tell him you need to talk, go over to his house (or have him come over to yours), and plant one on him. Like the Nike ad says, just do it! He probably wants to kiss you anyway, but he's too scared of your reaction. So let him off the hook and go for it!

    Good luck!!
    Kiss HIM!!!! It ain't rocket science.
    Kiss him.
    Tell him that he has an eyelash and act like you are going to brush it away and then sneek one in.
    its not against the law for you to kiss him first

    How does it feel to be taking advice from people you don't even no?

    It is not bias. :)How does it feel to be taking advice from people you don't even no?
    a lot of the times great they have nothing to gain or lose by it and because they don't know you they are not emotionally attached unbiased opinionHow does it feel to be taking advice from people you don't even no?
    its the best advice i could ever get joke.
    It's good. If it's something private and you don't want anyone close to you to find out about this is the perfect place.
    I wouldn't KNOW, I refuse to ask complete strangers for advice. Least of which would be over the internet!
    That's actually what Yahoo Answers is.
    Strange but comforting.
    It feels good.

    Thanks for asking.
    I find it helpful at best lol.

    ';no'; what I mean?
    no shame in asking any1 if they have the knowledge you seek
    im ok with it if they can spell

    Ok, I love this sport ,its snow boarding but i dont konw how to so dose anyone have advice?if do please ans^ ^

    Please help me, i dont have the money to get a privet snow boarding teacher or enough to sign up for any classes.

    Thank you for your advice{^ ^]Ok, I love this sport ,its snow boarding but i dont konw how to so dose anyone have advice?if do please ans^ ^
    I'm a Junior Snowboard instructor at the resort I work at

    you want to first always wear a helmet, no matter how good you are,

    second when you start out, you need to find out if you are goofy or regular, regular is when you put your left foot as your front foot,

    and goofy is when you put your right foot forward,

    once you've figured that out try ';skateing'; around at the bottom of the hill you're on, skateing means just take your back foot out, and push yourself around with it, get the feel of your board, then if you are at a resort, go up to the lift, usually if you are on the begginner life it'll go slow, just skate up to where marked, and sit, easy enough, now when you get off, make sure nobody is in front of you, and you can just go straight, keep your weigh equal and just chill, then strap yourself in and you can start down the hill, the BIGGEST THING IN SNOWBOARDING IS YOUR BALANCE. You want to keep about 80% of your weigh on your front foot, and 20 on your back, if you lean back, you will fall, just dont' lose your head and start to lean back, i know you are going to start going faster if you lean forward, but you can control your board by tipping your feet back and forward, if your left foot forward, tip forward to go right, tip backward to go left, don't tip to much though, caus then you might lose balance.Ok, I love this sport ,its snow boarding but i dont konw how to so dose anyone have advice?if do please ans^ ^
    Well you should learn to ski first and then try to snow board

    I tried it, i hate it i love to ski
  • skin
  • Advice on how to replace p-4 on dell?

    I must replace the motherboard on my dell gx270 due to the leaky capacitor problem. Any helpful hints on the best way to remove the cpu. I have read that the cpu comes out with the heatsink. Dell instructions say to keep the cooling fan inplace and pull on a corner and the heatsink will come off. Anyone with experience doing this? Any help will be appreciated. I do have technical skills but I have never dealt with a cpu.Advice on how to replace p-4 on dell?
    if the chip comes off with the heatsink that's ok; not ideal but ok,make sure you have heat-sink compound and a wooden swab stick or anything similar; not plastic or metal;carefully grab the base of the chip and turn back and forth very carefully to seperate the cip from the heatsink; just in case the chip is still good; carefully apply a thin even coat of heatsink to your new chip and carefully reassemble:tip(when applying heatsink to new chip make sure chip pins on new chip are protected on the piece of anti-static foam it came with; so as to not bend any pins when applying heatsink. Good Luck! ps: if the chip is subborn yes take a jewelers flat head and at the corner that is keyed carefully put alittle pressure to dislodge chip

    I suffer from post tramatic stress can anyone give me any advice on how to stop being so panicky and anguish?

    Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety / Panic Attacks / Stress / Depression(Bereavment) / Mood Swings (Totally safe, without any side effects or complications of any sort) :-


    Sudden with restlessness and fear of death, Panic Attacks, Aconite 30X or 200X,1/2 hourly (3 Doses)

    Prolonged with periodic and panic attacks Arsenic Alb.200X, 4 hourly (3 Doses)

    With fainting spells; profuse sweating; worse in the morning Sulphur 30X or 200X 3 hourly (3 Doses)

    Makes patient walk fast; due to anticipation Argentum Nit 200X, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

    Worse lying in bed and closing the eyes Carbo Veg 30X or 200X, 4 hourly (6 Doses)

    Anxiety aggravated by upward or downward motion; going in an elevator; worse till 11 P.M, Borax 200X or 1M, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

    Anxious about business even when seriously ill Bryonia Alba 200X 3 hourly (3 Doses)

    Full of apprehensions in the evening Causticum 200X, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

    Anxiety and fears in the evening with restlessness and palpitation Calcarea Carb.200X or 1M, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

    Anxiety worse while lying still. Sad music ameliorates the complaints Manganum Acet 200X 3 hourly (3 Doses)

    Anxiety due to fright, fear,exciting news; stage fright; worse while appearing for examination or interview etc Gelsemium 30X or 200X 3 hourly (6 Doses)

    Mood Swings, Anxiety due to grief or shock in the subconscious mind Ignatia 200X or 1M, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

    Anxiety; better after eating Anacardium Or 30X, 4 hourly.

    DEPRESSION %26amp; GRIEF(Bereavement) :-

    Severe shock due to sudden death of loved ones; restlessness, anxiety and fear Aconite 200X. 10 min (3 Doses)

    Prolonged mournings; cannot overcome the loss of loved ones and/or Mood Swings. Ignatia 1M or 10M, 6 hourly (3 Doses)

    When the grief is in the conscious mind; patient weeps; does not like sympathy Natrum Mur.200X or 1M, 6 hourly (3 Doses)

    For chronic grief and indignation Staphysagria 200X or 1M, weekly (3 Doses)

    Depression with suicidal thoughts feeling of worthlessness, Aurum Met 30X, three times a day half hour before meals.

    Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.

    Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine (Cures Par Excellence)

    Take Care and God Bless you.I suffer from post tramatic stress can anyone give me any advice on how to stop being so panicky and anguish?
    Try these links to the Mind website,

    Understanding post-traumatic stress disorder:鈥?/a>

    How to cope with panic attacks:鈥?/a>

    Troubleshooter - panic attacks:鈥?/a>

    the information is easy to read and understand and will offer suggestions on further reading and also other sources of help.

    Please go and talk to your GP and explain the problems you are having, they are there to help.

    Hope this helps.I suffer from post tramatic stress can anyone give me any advice on how to stop being so panicky and anguish?
    white rose on a black back ground
    Psychiatrist, meds. therapies are all great and will help improve the quality of your life. In the mean time here is a site you can gain a ton of information on and relate to others if you BTW I am a Vietnam Vet.
    If your in the UK, go see your doctor and he will refer you to a therapist on the NHS.

    Try to make an appointment at MIND as well. They are extremely helpful and most doctors will recommend them as an alternative.

    If you have the money, try to see a hypnotherapist as well.

    All in all, you have to deal with the source of the PTS issue. The rest will be relieved in the process of therapy.

    Good luck. I know what you are going through.
    Get medication! It really helps.
    See your doctor. He or she will give all the help you need.

    Counseling will be good too, and also maybe CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy)
    Yes, investiage joining a church.

    It has given me a different prospective on life.

    Prayer and faith help too.

    Just remember that God loves all his children.
    You should maybe think about talking tou your gp and ask if they can refer you to a psychologist. I have been receiving cbt(cognitive behavioural therapy) for anxiety. I was really sceptical about it but it has worked and I am starting to get on with life without panic attacks,nightmares and constant anxiety. It really takes over your life and distorts the way you can deal with the everyday stuff, which in turn makes the panic worse.A real viscous circle.I hope you find the help you need and canfind some peace of mind,good luck!
    Moving out and making money....

    Advice on how to pleasure a girl to spice up our s*x life?

    ok so im wit my gf 7 months and wer 18 and we hav sex quite alot but it doesnt seem as exciting as wen we started to do it first, i was just curious if its just me or is there anything i can do for her that will spice things up abit!!

    i would really appreciate advice from girls but feel free to leave a commentAdvice on how to pleasure a girl to spice up our s*x life?
    Try doing the Slave/Master thing and see whos better. Let her have one day, then you the next.

    Bring vibrators, handcuffs, chains, leather. hahaAdvice on how to pleasure a girl to spice up our s*x life?
    be passionate with her, try to think of the first time you saw her. All the things tht u wanted to do to her and with her. let ur fingers, lips, and tongue, caress, kiss, and lick her. But most important of all look at her like there is no more beautiful girl on this planet.

    Use the tongue! its the best weapon u got, next to ur penis!

    Before intercourse, Make out a lil, then move down to her neck....then her chest and breast....but dont move to fast. take ur time. then slowly make ur way to the nipple. get a lil into it by nibbling or biting (not too hard tho)

    then move down and give her thighs sum good lickin and tongue getures.....then move back up to her vagina and give her nice n slow strokes with ur tongue against her cl*t...suck on it a bit...nibble (if she likes that) and eventually speed up the stokes. yup...for more sex ed go to
    Well im no sex expert but they say the way to a womans heart is through the ';G'; spot look it up and do some research. If you make her squirt that will be enough spice to keep the both of you happy
    Buy some whips and chains

    also known as sex toys ;)

    liike handcuffs , and ropes, tie her up'


    That equals more happiness, love and ;))))))

    you know..... ;)))))
    Definitely lots and lots and lots of oral sex...


    Dude...role play! if you can't get hot costumes it's fine. Talking dirty is fun for some people as well... fun for me anyway;)
    just make her feel special, go down and do some work ;), check out lovers lane or a store the specializes in that stuff
    more foreplay... let your tongue do the best bits...
    go further down and do some stuff !

    Freakin hamster is crazy, need advice how to tame it!!?

    okay so 2 days ago i got a this morning was my first time handiling it...well i dont think anyone has ever touched it was the craziest hamster at the pet shop. he's four months old and is a short hair hamster.Well this morning i tried to hold him and i did every thing posible to try to tame it...i started talking 2 him that felt weird but whatever, and i dunno but like 20 minutes later he wouldn't stop biting me for ****, jumped off the couch, was biting everything thing he saw, was running around in circles, doing back flips and started clibing on the dwarf hamsters were better behaved than this!! and i need help how should i tame it?Freakin hamster is crazy, need advice how to tame it!!?
    More and more pet store animals are beginning to demonstrate temperament problems due to the nature that commercial breeders are breeding them. Here's the scenario: the commercial breeder needs to send some more hamsters to their client, the pet store. He goes to the cage with hamster pups and starts to take them out. One hamsters bites him hard several times. The commercial breeder knows the pet store will complain if they receive this biting hamster so he doesn't send it. What does he do with the biting hamster? He could kill it or if it's a female, he'll use her to breed more hamsters. So he's actually selecting the meanest hamsters to breed from! Over several generations, the temperament of a line can completely shift. Other breeders and I are concerned that hamsters are beginning to get a bad reputation as biters. On top of all that, the hamsters are never handled. They get picked up once when taken from the mother and put in a community holding cage. They get picked up once more when being transferred from the holding cage to the shipping container. They get handled once more when coming out of the shipping container and into the pet store display and then one more time when you select that one to buy. It's no wonder they can act so terrified.

    It's not a lost cause with your new friend because you bought it at the pet store, you may just have to work harder because of its genetically determined temperament. It may always be a bit persnickity but if you stop working with it altogether, it will get harder to handle when you need to change its cage.

    You need to start holding it a couple times each day. If you can't get it out of the cage, then get it into a toilet paper roll and then dump (carefully) it into your hand. Begin walking it from hand to hand, one in front of the other. You can also make it an unending ';staircase';. If you keep it moving you probably won't get bit. Do this over your bed so that if ite manages to jump off your hand you can catch it. Once you're comfortable handling your hamster in this fashion, begin to closing your fingers as it's walking from hand to hand so that it's now moving through an unending ';tunnel';. This will get the hamster accustomed to being held and touched on its back. These sessions only need to last five minutes but you need to do them at least twice a day, preferably more. If you're scared of doing this at first, then wear a pair of thick leather gloves to get it accustomed to the ';exercise';.

    If you have a ball that you want it to roll around on the floor in, work with the hamster before putting it in the ball. You may think that it will be more tired and easier to work with after having some exercise but it will be more excited and actually harder to work with.

    However, the fear you've described as your hamster displaying is excessive. If the instructions above seem unreasonable at this point there's another method you can try. Sit in an empty bathtub with the drain blocked so there's no escape and let your new friend climb all over you. This is an easy way for your new friend to get used to your scent and presence. To get him out of the cage, use a paper towel roll, which is longer than a toilet paper roll and get him to go inside. Bring the cage into the bathroom before you start trying to get him out. As soon as he's in the roll all the way, bring it into the tub with you and wait for him to come out. Do this until he seems more comfortable with you and then begin the methods of hand-walking described above.

    Your hamster may never be easy to handle and you will have to recognize it as it's individuality.

    If this sounds like more work than you're willing to do, then take it back to the pet store and get another one. Be sure to hold the new one in the store before bringing it home to be sure it doesn't bite. Watch the employees as they get the hamster out too. If the employee is scared, then there's a reason. They know the temparments of the animals they sell. If they are scared, try another store.

    -Janice hamster is crazy, need advice how to tame it!!?
    Hi sorry to hear you have a biting hamster is it syrian or Russian? when handling your hamster make sure you show no hesitation with your hands when you go to pick it up hamsters like all other animals can smell fear and will play on it ! go straight in with two hands and cup your hamster up lift it slightly up then place it back down do this either in its cage or another secure area this will take time I worked in the pet trade for Many years and have seen Many a tiny hamster have a whole family underseage! yet when we would go to pick them up they were fine so show no fear be confident and do not hesitate and you should be fine if this does fail then do return to the pet shop and explain the situation a good pet shop should have no problem with having a animal returned as long as you have proof of purchase.
    That's not a hamster that's a lunatic. Syrians are the most typical hamster sold in pet stores. This is not typical behavior for a Syrian. We have 12 right now and only one of the ones we got from the pet store ever acted like that, she was dropped by a child who's parents didn't watch their child in the store. We decided to get her since we considered her to be an abuse case. The employees wouldn't even touch her. She would roll over, scream and bite. When I saw her I knew I wanted her right away. We got her around last Halloween and named her Psycho, it fit her behavior. She was about 8 months old. With a lot of biting and screaming, she was held using a gloved hand for 5-10 minutes in her cage at first, then we held her over a box (just in case she jumped) . It took every bit of a 2 months before she finally stopped her wild behavior. You can also use a toilet paper roll or an extra food dish with a treat in it. My son who is the tamer of the hamsters in the house, says use gardening gloves for this one, the biting won't hurt as bad. The hamster will still bite, crap, pee and try to jump, but keep holding on for several minutes. Cupping your hands is the best way to hold him.

    We got all our Syrians, except 4 they are the offspring of our first 2, at Petland. Our Petland has their hamsters in open cages so anyone over 4' tall can touch them. But there's a sign saying no children under 16 may touch without a parent present. They put this up after what happened with Psycho. They always had one for the reptiles and dogs, but not the hamsters.

    Truly good luck to you. My son and I know what your up against. If you are thinking about taking him back, the pet store will either try to sell him to another person (child) or feed it to a snake.
    I worked at a petshop and had to learn a technique to hold hamsters. What you do is don't grab the hamster from above his head. Hamsters live in holes and are prey. Instead grab him from underneath with both hands, scooping up some of the bedding if you have to. Then place one of your hands flat on top of the hamster and start rubbing your hand in a circular motion over his body after a little bit of this they start calming down. If you still have trouble holding on to it. Try sitting in a bath tub (no water, drain plugged) with the hamster. This way he has no way to go and eventually after taking the hamster into the bathtub it will get used to you. Plus, you don't have to worry about them having an accident.
    I didn't listen to the sales rep with any of my hamsters- I held them after about 10 minutes of them being in their new home and they've been pretty good.

    Altho my one would bite at first- not hard though. Are you holding it a little too tightly? they'll bite if they feel threatened. Did you buy any treats? We have healthy hearts and they love them!!

    You didn't mention what type your new one is.

    I've had a black bear, and now have a panda bear and a golden.

    the black bear didn't like being held that much, but she was really sick and old when we got her- petsmart is complete crap.

    It's not weird to talk to your pets- I talk to mine. lol.

    If you feel the hamster isn't right for you, take it back explain why and say you want a different one.

    Panda's are very cute and they're nice. Golden's are also very good. My panda was $21 same as a black bear. goldens are usually $10

    the good thing about dwarfs are they don't get wet tail- which is deadly.

    So if you get a panda or golden (well any type other than dwarf) make sure to pick up some Dri Tail. and add 16 drops to their full bottle of water the 8oz one and that will prevent it.

    I have to go, but e-mail me if you have any questons- I'll do my best to help!
    It takes me about 3 weeks to tame a new hamster. What I've done repeatedly with 100% success is when the hamster is awake, I take the food bowl out of the cage and let the hamster see me place a few bits of food on the cage floor. This is important - the hamster now associates me with food. I put the food bowl back and over the next several days, I put my hand in the cage while the hamster is eating. I don't touch him or her! But each day I put my hand a little closer until my hand is right beside him or her while s/he eats. After a few days, I try handing it a sunflower seed to see if it will take food from me. It usually takes at most about 3 tries. After about 10 days to 2 weeks of this, I GENTLY pet it with my fingertips. With patience, you'll be able to pick him or her up. I even did this with a hamster I ';rescued'; from another family who claimed she was a biter. Now she easily naps in my hand for up to 30 minutes, just as all my other hamsters have. Just be patient. It'll happen.

    How to take a picture of lunar eclipse..exposure advice needed?

    Hi guys. If I am using 400 speed film, and a 200 mm lens with a 2 times extender, what shutter speed should I use. Would I need like a minute exposure, or 1/15 second or 1/125 second for example????How to take a picture of lunar eclipse..exposure advice needed?
    Check out this site to answer your question:)鈥?/a>How to take a picture of lunar eclipse..exposure advice needed?
    You better hurry.

    It has already started!;鈥?/a>

    How much money should i save to move out to L.A.? I wil be 22 next year any advice?

    The average salary in Los Angeles, CA is $54,000 enough to afford a condo, car and other expenses. But you could probably get by with making $40,000 a year with an apartment and used car. A roomate would definitely free you up financially. If you plan on moving out here you must first secure a job that pays at least $35,000-40,000 or else you'll be struggling. To get an apartment, you need to save up at least $15,000-$20,000 rent for apartments average around $1200 a month. I think the best plan for you right now is to save up money for about 2-3 years before you decide to move out.How much money should i save to move out to L.A.? I wil be 22 next year any advice?
    That depends on several things

    1. Are you driving or flying out? You will need to figure in the cost of the flight / gas money and funds for food and lodging.

    2. Are you bringing furniture? Are you going to have to pay for movers?

    3. Do you have a place to stay when you reach LA? Or are you going to have to stay in a motel till you find an apartment?

    4. Do you have a source of income? Like a sure fire job waiting for you or are you going to have to look for employment?

    I don't think anyone can give you an accurate figure.

    It all depends on how you answered those questions, or similar ones

    If you're looking for a ballpark figure..I would assume that at least 5k.How much money should i save to move out to L.A.? I wil be 22 next year any advice?
    You will need somewhere in the $10,000-$15,000 range to sucessfully move here and to survive for about 2 months. You will be coming to one of the most expensive places in the country. If your budget allows I would STRONGLY urge you to come visit for a few days before moving here sight unseen. What if you move here and decide you hate this place?

    Please don't say you're coming here to become an actress.
    Depends..Can you expand. Where are you going like what state?

    Do you have a lot of furniture? Will you be moving yourself or hiring movers? Then, are you going to buy or rent?

    If you can answer these ?'s..I can give you a good estimate.
    I'd save everything possible, since the cost of living out there is so much.
    If you want a 1-bedroom apartment, count on $1500 a month for rent. Studio or shared will be cheaper.
  • skin
  • How early are you allowed to take maternity leave in Scotland, UK?? REALLY NEED SOME ADVICE!!!!!?

    I am 5 month pregnant and due after the 01/04/07 so meant to be due 9 month maternity leave. I am not handling the pregnancy too well, I am ill almost everyday, so me and my partner have spoke about it and think it would be wise to consider taking maternity leave earlier than originally thought!!

    When is the earliest I can take it?? I also dont know what I am entitled to as I work, most mothers I know dont work so get benefits, but I have been told that i should have been getting milk/fruit tokens, family credit from 20 wks etc.

    Does anyone know for sure??How early are you allowed to take maternity leave in Scotland, UK?? REALLY NEED SOME ADVICE!!!!!?
    The link i posted below if for your region and should help

    good luck

    I have just been diagnosed with seizures, only when I am sleeping. any one have any advice on how to deal?

    Well my boyfriend is epileptic and just make sure there are no tables by your bed or your bed is not very high off of the ground. Just take your medication beacause my boiyfriend doesn't and it just make matters worse. Also make sure you do get a good nights sleep, sleep depriving yourself just makes it worse. I hope it helps.I have just been diagnosed with seizures, only when I am sleeping. any one have any advice on how to deal?
    oohh. that is relaly dangerous. have someone sleeping in the same room with you at all times. my sister used to have these. she grew out of them though. but they are really dangerous. because u could die if you dont get the hospital soon enough or something .idk. thats just all i heard from my sister. i dont mean to scare u or anything but yeah.

    good luck :))

    %26lt;3I have just been diagnosed with seizures, only when I am sleeping. any one have any advice on how to deal?
    yeah i have the same problem so if you find out somthing about it contact me and if i do ill contact you
    my friend has same problem just take your meds and try to control it best advise is to go to bed at decent time and not when your to tired to move
    that is what they told me, too. i don't like meds. took something for awhile but decided to quit. after a few weeks, i did indeed have a severe seizure and really chew up my tongue. probably needed stitches but doctor was annoyey with me and would not even look.

    the meds, by the way, made me even more stupid than i am and i really hate that. i also hate doctors with their expensive wonder cures that my ancestors lacked for a few thousand years. i am very, very suspicious of doctors. you should make a big effort to get smart on anything they want you to purchase. they are not all people think. they have done great harm to me and family over the years.

    there are situation when you must seek their help but take an extremely conservative view. they are not all they think they are, either.

    it is a business and never forget it. they have the same goals as the managers of walmart or general electric.
    ask a doctor
    I trust that you mean you have peti mal, My daughters have peti mal but only when they are are awake never in their sleep , they both take medication and there is not any problem, They have an excellent consultant neurologist who is based at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow Essex.

    If I can be of further help add a reply to your question
    can you be more specific? there are many, many seizure disorders. if you state specifically which one you were diagnosed with, you might find a friend who is in the same situation. I have partial complex seizures, but they are kept fully controlled under medication.…


    Not all epileptic seizures are noticeable. For some, they can occur while a person is asleep, making epilepsy hard to recognize and also more severe. Learn how to break out of this vicious cycle.

    I found this site. Hope it helps
    not without knowing your entire medical history and I wouldnt advise putting that on YA, but whoever made your diagnosis would be able to give you any amount of advice about it.
    i dont kno much about this but mabe u shud make sure someone sleeps close by to u
    i have seizures to try not to worry i know it hard not to. I'm making the most of my life just because have seizures u don't have to stop doing the thing u love. it used to affect me when sleep it don't now. used come around go back into me. fine myself on the floor. so don't worry. if you ever want to ask anything you are welcome. i have nead. if you ever need chat I'm always around. love soph xxx
    I have epilepsy - and I have never had one while sleeping. I have tonic clonic (grand mals) and simple partials (where I zone out at something and I'm suddenly not all there. Have they diagnosed you with epilepsy or a seizure disorder? Have they put you on meds? I take Lamictal and Clonopin. What happens when you seize when you sleep- are you aware of it when it's happening? See a GOOD neurologist. Good luck to you. Having a seizure is very frightening and NO fun. If your doc hasn't put you on meds, which I think you should be on- something, I would try your best to relax before you go to sleep and do not drink alcohol.
    Take your medication always.....

    If you have grandmal seizures in your sleep, get a baby monitor for your room. Put the reciever in a room were someone else sleeps. Also keep large bulky objects away from the bed so you can't pull them down on you.
    OH no! I am so sorry. That is serious I suggest that you ask a doctor. I know that most people sould say just not to sleep but everyone needs sleep to stay healthy. Ask a doctor. Please. You seem so nice I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you. Remember more than likely you will be ok.


    GET WELL SOON! :) :)
    When your sleeping? Could you email me and explain the details of what happens when you have these seizures, cheers.
    hav ur mom chec on u every 3 to 4 hours

    Okay so I need some advice, how do I get him to kiss me?

    me and my friend are going to fight( jokingly) anfter school, but were really aggresive and yet really good friends(best friends) . how do i get him to kiss me before during or after the fight.Okay so I need some advice, how do I get him to kiss me?
    Kiss him on the cheek or neck. It'll let him know that you're open to something more, and he can take it from there. If it doesn't work out, you can always say it was an accident!Okay so I need some advice, how do I get him to kiss me?
    grab his nuts iy always works onme when my gorl whants to kiss me!!
    where some revealing clothes
    If I were you I would go buy one of those wax lip candy's with the buck teeth and while wrestling take it out of my pocket and put it on.

    When he see's it both of you will have a good laugh and you can ask him ';So do you like my real ones better?'; and when he say's ';Yes'; then ask him to prove it.

    Close your eyes and pucker up and kiss him lightly on the cheek and if he likes it the two of you can go from there.

    I always like to laugh and do stupid things to make everyone laugh because of the stupid stuff that I do.

    One time at work I noticed the boss getting cans out of a pole that went all the way from the ceiling in the warehouse down to the floor.

    I asked him what he's doing and he said ';People put their empty cans in here and I collect them for the money';

    So what I did was smash a whole bunch of cans and put them in the pole and waited to see if he'd come around with his coat hanger.

    The opening in the pole was just big enough to stick the coat hanger into and look at the cans to fish them out.

    He was there most of the entire day trying to get those cans out and I've never laughed so hard in all my life watching him.

    Laugh and the whole world laughs with you.
    eye contact with a you know what i want smile. if he is brave enough he will. but eye contact is one way. if he has any experience with women he will know what up.
    Umm... pretend to be hurt and say you need a kiss better? Or before it starts ask for a kiss for luck :)
    well, whats the fight for ? may I suggest winner gets to kiss the loser? win win situtation!
    grab the balls area and yank them really hard!!!
    You could ask him to kiss you, but that takes

    a lot of courage.

    First of all your posture should be open. Sit or

    stand close to him. Face him. Look at him, not at the

    ground. Don't cross your arms or lean away; or,

    instead of ';kiss me'; you'll be saying ';kiss off!';

    Look into his eyes. Smile. Get close to him. If you're

    not holding hands yet, do it. Ask him to help you

    remove an earring, or undo the clasp of that gold chain

    you're wearing. To do that he's got to put both hands

    on your neck.

    Now turn your head, and look in his eyes, and be quiet.

    Smile. If he says anything, just interrupt and whisper

    his name softly. He'll kiss you for sure!
    Exercise. If he doesn't want to kiss you now, slapping his arms isn't gonna help. Exercise and wear some provocative clothing. Alcohol never hurts either.
    Well be careful because in guy world that is uncharted territory and it can be suspensful. Maybe he does not want to ruin the friendship that you to have. It could be a lot of things, the most realistic would be that he is scared and maybe wants to kiss you but can't find a good time to do it. Go easy on him, because guys under strain tend to do stupid things.
    grab his schlong
    close your eyes and pucker up!
    stop asking these dumb questions
    So I've got this straight, you're talking about fighting with your best friend, who's a guy, who you like, right? If that's the case, don't do it tomorrow. Call him up now, tell him you need to talk, go over to his house (or have him come over to yours), and plant one on him. Like the Nike ad says, just do it! He probably wants to kiss you anyway, but he's too scared of your reaction. So let him off the hook and go for it!

    Good luck!!
    Kiss HIM!!!! It ain't rocket science.
    Kiss him.
    Tell him that he has an eyelash and act like you are going to brush it away and then sneek one in.
    its not against the law for you to kiss him first

    How does it feel to be taking advice from people you don't even no?

    It is not bias. :)How does it feel to be taking advice from people you don't even no?
    a lot of the times great they have nothing to gain or lose by it and because they don't know you they are not emotionally attached unbiased opinionHow does it feel to be taking advice from people you don't even no?
    its the best advice i could ever get joke.
    It's good. If it's something private and you don't want anyone close to you to find out about this is the perfect place.
    I wouldn't KNOW, I refuse to ask complete strangers for advice. Least of which would be over the internet!
    That's actually what Yahoo Answers is.
    Strange but comforting.
    It feels good.

    Thanks for asking.
    I find it helpful at best lol.

    ';no'; what I mean?
    no shame in asking any1 if they have the knowledge you seek
    im ok with it if they can spell

    Ok, I love this sport ,its snow boarding but i dont konw how to so dose anyone have advice?if do please ans^ ^

    Please help me, i dont have the money to get a privet snow boarding teacher or enough to sign up for any classes.

    Thank you for your advice{^ ^]Ok, I love this sport ,its snow boarding but i dont konw how to so dose anyone have advice?if do please ans^ ^
    I'm a Junior Snowboard instructor at the resort I work at

    you want to first always wear a helmet, no matter how good you are,

    second when you start out, you need to find out if you are goofy or regular, regular is when you put your left foot as your front foot,

    and goofy is when you put your right foot forward,

    once you've figured that out try ';skateing'; around at the bottom of the hill you're on, skateing means just take your back foot out, and push yourself around with it, get the feel of your board, then if you are at a resort, go up to the lift, usually if you are on the begginner life it'll go slow, just skate up to where marked, and sit, easy enough, now when you get off, make sure nobody is in front of you, and you can just go straight, keep your weigh equal and just chill, then strap yourself in and you can start down the hill, the BIGGEST THING IN SNOWBOARDING IS YOUR BALANCE. You want to keep about 80% of your weigh on your front foot, and 20 on your back, if you lean back, you will fall, just dont' lose your head and start to lean back, i know you are going to start going faster if you lean forward, but you can control your board by tipping your feet back and forward, if your left foot forward, tip forward to go right, tip backward to go left, don't tip to much though, caus then you might lose balance.Ok, I love this sport ,its snow boarding but i dont konw how to so dose anyone have advice?if do please ans^ ^
    Well you should learn to ski first and then try to snow board

    I tried it, i hate it i love to ski

    Advice on how to replace p-4 on dell?

    I must replace the motherboard on my dell gx270 due to the leaky capacitor problem. Any helpful hints on the best way to remove the cpu. I have read that the cpu comes out with the heatsink. Dell instructions say to keep the cooling fan inplace and pull on a corner and the heatsink will come off. Anyone with experience doing this? Any help will be appreciated. I do have technical skills but I have never dealt with a cpu.Advice on how to replace p-4 on dell?
    if the chip comes off with the heatsink that's ok; not ideal but ok,make sure you have heat-sink compound and a wooden swab stick or anything similar; not plastic or metal;carefully grab the base of the chip and turn back and forth very carefully to seperate the cip from the heatsink; just in case the chip is still good; carefully apply a thin even coat of heatsink to your new chip and carefully reassemble:tip(when applying heatsink to new chip make sure chip pins on new chip are protected on the piece of anti-static foam it came with; so as to not bend any pins when applying heatsink. Good Luck! ps: if the chip is subborn yes take a jewelers flat head and at the corner that is keyed carefully put alittle pressure to dislodge chip
  • skin
  • I suffer from post tramatic stress can anyone give me any advice on how to stop being so panicky and anguish?

    Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety / Panic Attacks / Stress / Depression(Bereavment) / Mood Swings (Totally safe, without any side effects or complications of any sort) :-


    Sudden with restlessness and fear of death, Panic Attacks, Aconite 30X or 200X,1/2 hourly (3 Doses)

    Prolonged with periodic and panic attacks Arsenic Alb.200X, 4 hourly (3 Doses)

    With fainting spells; profuse sweating; worse in the morning Sulphur 30X or 200X 3 hourly (3 Doses)

    Makes patient walk fast; due to anticipation Argentum Nit 200X, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

    Worse lying in bed and closing the eyes Carbo Veg 30X or 200X, 4 hourly (6 Doses)

    Anxiety aggravated by upward or downward motion; going in an elevator; worse till 11 P.M, Borax 200X or 1M, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

    Anxious about business even when seriously ill Bryonia Alba 200X 3 hourly (3 Doses)

    Full of apprehensions in the evening Causticum 200X, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

    Anxiety and fears in the evening with restlessness and palpitation Calcarea Carb.200X or 1M, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

    Anxiety worse while lying still. Sad music ameliorates the complaints Manganum Acet 200X 3 hourly (3 Doses)

    Anxiety due to fright, fear,exciting news; stage fright; worse while appearing for examination or interview etc Gelsemium 30X or 200X 3 hourly (6 Doses)

    Mood Swings, Anxiety due to grief or shock in the subconscious mind Ignatia 200X or 1M, 3 hourly (3 Doses)

    Anxiety; better after eating Anacardium Or 30X, 4 hourly.

    DEPRESSION %26amp; GRIEF(Bereavement) :-

    Severe shock due to sudden death of loved ones; restlessness, anxiety and fear Aconite 200X. 10 min (3 Doses)

    Prolonged mournings; cannot overcome the loss of loved ones and/or Mood Swings. Ignatia 1M or 10M, 6 hourly (3 Doses)

    When the grief is in the conscious mind; patient weeps; does not like sympathy Natrum Mur.200X or 1M, 6 hourly (3 Doses)

    For chronic grief and indignation Staphysagria 200X or 1M, weekly (3 Doses)

    Depression with suicidal thoughts feeling of worthlessness, Aurum Met 30X, three times a day half hour before meals.

    Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.

    Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine (Cures Par Excellence)

    Take Care and God Bless you.I suffer from post tramatic stress can anyone give me any advice on how to stop being so panicky and anguish?
    Try these links to the Mind website,

    Understanding post-traumatic stress disorder:鈥?/a>

    How to cope with panic attacks:鈥?/a>

    Troubleshooter - panic attacks:鈥?/a>

    the information is easy to read and understand and will offer suggestions on further reading and also other sources of help.

    Please go and talk to your GP and explain the problems you are having, they are there to help.

    Hope this helps.I suffer from post tramatic stress can anyone give me any advice on how to stop being so panicky and anguish?
    white rose on a black back ground
    Psychiatrist, meds. therapies are all great and will help improve the quality of your life. In the mean time here is a site you can gain a ton of information on and relate to others if you BTW I am a Vietnam Vet.
    If your in the UK, go see your doctor and he will refer you to a therapist on the NHS.

    Try to make an appointment at MIND as well. They are extremely helpful and most doctors will recommend them as an alternative.

    If you have the money, try to see a hypnotherapist as well.

    All in all, you have to deal with the source of the PTS issue. The rest will be relieved in the process of therapy.

    Good luck. I know what you are going through.
    Get medication! It really helps.
    See your doctor. He or she will give all the help you need.

    Counseling will be good too, and also maybe CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy)
    Yes, investiage joining a church.

    It has given me a different prospective on life.

    Prayer and faith help too.

    Just remember that God loves all his children.
    You should maybe think about talking tou your gp and ask if they can refer you to a psychologist. I have been receiving cbt(cognitive behavioural therapy) for anxiety. I was really sceptical about it but it has worked and I am starting to get on with life without panic attacks,nightmares and constant anxiety. It really takes over your life and distorts the way you can deal with the everyday stuff, which in turn makes the panic worse.A real viscous circle.I hope you find the help you need and canfind some peace of mind,good luck!
    Moving out and making money....

    Advice on how to pleasure a girl to spice up our s*x life?

    ok so im wit my gf 7 months and wer 18 and we hav sex quite alot but it doesnt seem as exciting as wen we started to do it first, i was just curious if its just me or is there anything i can do for her that will spice things up abit!!

    i would really appreciate advice from girls but feel free to leave a commentAdvice on how to pleasure a girl to spice up our s*x life?
    Try doing the Slave/Master thing and see whos better. Let her have one day, then you the next.

    Bring vibrators, handcuffs, chains, leather. hahaAdvice on how to pleasure a girl to spice up our s*x life?
    be passionate with her, try to think of the first time you saw her. All the things tht u wanted to do to her and with her. let ur fingers, lips, and tongue, caress, kiss, and lick her. But most important of all look at her like there is no more beautiful girl on this planet.

    Use the tongue! its the best weapon u got, next to ur penis!

    Before intercourse, Make out a lil, then move down to her neck....then her chest and breast....but dont move to fast. take ur time. then slowly make ur way to the nipple. get a lil into it by nibbling or biting (not too hard tho)

    then move down and give her thighs sum good lickin and tongue getures.....then move back up to her vagina and give her nice n slow strokes with ur tongue against her cl*t...suck on it a bit...nibble (if she likes that) and eventually speed up the stokes. yup...for more sex ed go to
    Well im no sex expert but they say the way to a womans heart is through the ';G'; spot look it up and do some research. If you make her squirt that will be enough spice to keep the both of you happy
    Buy some whips and chains

    also known as sex toys ;)

    liike handcuffs , and ropes, tie her up'


    That equals more happiness, love and ;))))))

    you know..... ;)))))
    Definitely lots and lots and lots of oral sex...


    Dude...role play! if you can't get hot costumes it's fine. Talking dirty is fun for some people as well... fun for me anyway;)
    just make her feel special, go down and do some work ;), check out lovers lane or a store the specializes in that stuff
    more foreplay... let your tongue do the best bits...
    go further down and do some stuff !

    Freakin hamster is crazy, need advice how to tame it!!?

    okay so 2 days ago i got a this morning was my first time handiling it...well i dont think anyone has ever touched it was the craziest hamster at the pet shop. he's four months old and is a short hair hamster.Well this morning i tried to hold him and i did every thing posible to try to tame it...i started talking 2 him that felt weird but whatever, and i dunno but like 20 minutes later he wouldn't stop biting me for ****, jumped off the couch, was biting everything thing he saw, was running around in circles, doing back flips and started clibing on the dwarf hamsters were better behaved than this!! and i need help how should i tame it?Freakin hamster is crazy, need advice how to tame it!!?
    More and more pet store animals are beginning to demonstrate temperament problems due to the nature that commercial breeders are breeding them. Here's the scenario: the commercial breeder needs to send some more hamsters to their client, the pet store. He goes to the cage with hamster pups and starts to take them out. One hamsters bites him hard several times. The commercial breeder knows the pet store will complain if they receive this biting hamster so he doesn't send it. What does he do with the biting hamster? He could kill it or if it's a female, he'll use her to breed more hamsters. So he's actually selecting the meanest hamsters to breed from! Over several generations, the temperament of a line can completely shift. Other breeders and I are concerned that hamsters are beginning to get a bad reputation as biters. On top of all that, the hamsters are never handled. They get picked up once when taken from the mother and put in a community holding cage. They get picked up once more when being transferred from the holding cage to the shipping container. They get handled once more when coming out of the shipping container and into the pet store display and then one more time when you select that one to buy. It's no wonder they can act so terrified.

    It's not a lost cause with your new friend because you bought it at the pet store, you may just have to work harder because of its genetically determined temperament. It may always be a bit persnickity but if you stop working with it altogether, it will get harder to handle when you need to change its cage.

    You need to start holding it a couple times each day. If you can't get it out of the cage, then get it into a toilet paper roll and then dump (carefully) it into your hand. Begin walking it from hand to hand, one in front of the other. You can also make it an unending ';staircase';. If you keep it moving you probably won't get bit. Do this over your bed so that if ite manages to jump off your hand you can catch it. Once you're comfortable handling your hamster in this fashion, begin to closing your fingers as it's walking from hand to hand so that it's now moving through an unending ';tunnel';. This will get the hamster accustomed to being held and touched on its back. These sessions only need to last five minutes but you need to do them at least twice a day, preferably more. If you're scared of doing this at first, then wear a pair of thick leather gloves to get it accustomed to the ';exercise';.

    If you have a ball that you want it to roll around on the floor in, work with the hamster before putting it in the ball. You may think that it will be more tired and easier to work with after having some exercise but it will be more excited and actually harder to work with.

    However, the fear you've described as your hamster displaying is excessive. If the instructions above seem unreasonable at this point there's another method you can try. Sit in an empty bathtub with the drain blocked so there's no escape and let your new friend climb all over you. This is an easy way for your new friend to get used to your scent and presence. To get him out of the cage, use a paper towel roll, which is longer than a toilet paper roll and get him to go inside. Bring the cage into the bathroom before you start trying to get him out. As soon as he's in the roll all the way, bring it into the tub with you and wait for him to come out. Do this until he seems more comfortable with you and then begin the methods of hand-walking described above.

    Your hamster may never be easy to handle and you will have to recognize it as it's individuality.

    If this sounds like more work than you're willing to do, then take it back to the pet store and get another one. Be sure to hold the new one in the store before bringing it home to be sure it doesn't bite. Watch the employees as they get the hamster out too. If the employee is scared, then there's a reason. They know the temparments of the animals they sell. If they are scared, try another store.

    -Janice hamster is crazy, need advice how to tame it!!?
    Hi sorry to hear you have a biting hamster is it syrian or Russian? when handling your hamster make sure you show no hesitation with your hands when you go to pick it up hamsters like all other animals can smell fear and will play on it ! go straight in with two hands and cup your hamster up lift it slightly up then place it back down do this either in its cage or another secure area this will take time I worked in the pet trade for Many years and have seen Many a tiny hamster have a whole family underseage! yet when we would go to pick them up they were fine so show no fear be confident and do not hesitate and you should be fine if this does fail then do return to the pet shop and explain the situation a good pet shop should have no problem with having a animal returned as long as you have proof of purchase.
    That's not a hamster that's a lunatic. Syrians are the most typical hamster sold in pet stores. This is not typical behavior for a Syrian. We have 12 right now and only one of the ones we got from the pet store ever acted like that, she was dropped by a child who's parents didn't watch their child in the store. We decided to get her since we considered her to be an abuse case. The employees wouldn't even touch her. She would roll over, scream and bite. When I saw her I knew I wanted her right away. We got her around last Halloween and named her Psycho, it fit her behavior. She was about 8 months old. With a lot of biting and screaming, she was held using a gloved hand for 5-10 minutes in her cage at first, then we held her over a box (just in case she jumped) . It took every bit of a 2 months before she finally stopped her wild behavior. You can also use a toilet paper roll or an extra food dish with a treat in it. My son who is the tamer of the hamsters in the house, says use gardening gloves for this one, the biting won't hurt as bad. The hamster will still bite, crap, pee and try to jump, but keep holding on for several minutes. Cupping your hands is the best way to hold him.

    We got all our Syrians, except 4 they are the offspring of our first 2, at Petland. Our Petland has their hamsters in open cages so anyone over 4' tall can touch them. But there's a sign saying no children under 16 may touch without a parent present. They put this up after what happened with Psycho. They always had one for the reptiles and dogs, but not the hamsters.

    Truly good luck to you. My son and I know what your up against. If you are thinking about taking him back, the pet store will either try to sell him to another person (child) or feed it to a snake.
    I worked at a petshop and had to learn a technique to hold hamsters. What you do is don't grab the hamster from above his head. Hamsters live in holes and are prey. Instead grab him from underneath with both hands, scooping up some of the bedding if you have to. Then place one of your hands flat on top of the hamster and start rubbing your hand in a circular motion over his body after a little bit of this they start calming down. If you still have trouble holding on to it. Try sitting in a bath tub (no water, drain plugged) with the hamster. This way he has no way to go and eventually after taking the hamster into the bathtub it will get used to you. Plus, you don't have to worry about them having an accident.
    I didn't listen to the sales rep with any of my hamsters- I held them after about 10 minutes of them being in their new home and they've been pretty good.

    Altho my one would bite at first- not hard though. Are you holding it a little too tightly? they'll bite if they feel threatened. Did you buy any treats? We have healthy hearts and they love them!!

    You didn't mention what type your new one is.

    I've had a black bear, and now have a panda bear and a golden.

    the black bear didn't like being held that much, but she was really sick and old when we got her- petsmart is complete crap.

    It's not weird to talk to your pets- I talk to mine. lol.

    If you feel the hamster isn't right for you, take it back explain why and say you want a different one.

    Panda's are very cute and they're nice. Golden's are also very good. My panda was $21 same as a black bear. goldens are usually $10

    the good thing about dwarfs are they don't get wet tail- which is deadly.

    So if you get a panda or golden (well any type other than dwarf) make sure to pick up some Dri Tail. and add 16 drops to their full bottle of water the 8oz one and that will prevent it.

    I have to go, but e-mail me if you have any questons- I'll do my best to help!
    It takes me about 3 weeks to tame a new hamster. What I've done repeatedly with 100% success is when the hamster is awake, I take the food bowl out of the cage and let the hamster see me place a few bits of food on the cage floor. This is important - the hamster now associates me with food. I put the food bowl back and over the next several days, I put my hand in the cage while the hamster is eating. I don't touch him or her! But each day I put my hand a little closer until my hand is right beside him or her while s/he eats. After a few days, I try handing it a sunflower seed to see if it will take food from me. It usually takes at most about 3 tries. After about 10 days to 2 weeks of this, I GENTLY pet it with my fingertips. With patience, you'll be able to pick him or her up. I even did this with a hamster I ';rescued'; from another family who claimed she was a biter. Now she easily naps in my hand for up to 30 minutes, just as all my other hamsters have. Just be patient. It'll happen.