Saturday, July 31, 2010

I need advice on how to lose weight?

ok i am a freshman in high school, i weigh 183 and it is all pretty much fat, i think i am 5'10 1/2. I want to get down to about 135-140.

i used to run/walk 2 miles everyday and it didn't help to much. any advice? and it is hard to diet, my parents work all day, so my dinner is always fast food and there is a bunch of fattening stuff in the pantry...I need advice on how to lose weight?
Keeping a food journal really does help. It will give you a much better sense of how much you are eating, and when, and why.

Make a few small changes - walk everywhere, always use stairs instead of elevators, walk on escalators, get up and move around at least once an hour if your work or life in general is sedentary, walk every day, use a pedometer. Walking 10,000 steps a day is a really good idea. Build up to a long brisk walk everyday, or most days. Do more sports and less TV and computer.

Start a weight lifting routine. It will help increase your metabolism and make you feel and look better in so many ways. Join a gym. Possibly you can find one that has someone who specializes in weight lifting programs for beginners. Weight lifting will increase your metabolism as well as improve posture and appearance overall.

In terms of diet, cut out or reduce things like junk food, pop, fat, fast food. Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish. Drink plenty of water. Ask to help with the grocery shopping and preparing meals and you can influence what is in the cupboard and what is served for dinner. You will begin to see changes. Even though we would like it to be different, there is no quick fix. But stick with it. You can be successful.

The moral support you need is what comes from within you. If you are ready to lose the weight you will stick with it and do it. It doesn't matter what your friends or family say or do.

Check out websites about nutrition, weight loss, exercise, weight training, etc.

Stick with it. You can do it. Here are a couple of helpful links.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

I need advice on how to lose weight?
So you will have to sit down with your parents and tell them that you understand that they work, and would like to start cooking your own meals so that you can eat healthier. Ask them to take you grocery shopping so that you can help decide what goes in the pantry. You can also try things like lean cuisines, or something like that if you really don't want to cook, but make sure you talk to your parents. I am sure that they want you to be healthy, just like you claim to. only you can change what goes into your body, and how much you excercise. You can run ten miles a day but if you are taking in more calories than you are burning, you wont lose anything. Good luck.
Surely you know how to prepare meals for yourself. Part of losing weight is making a *permanent* lifestyle change. So that *DefinitelY* means cutting out the fast food. Your walking/running 2 miles a day probably didn't help because of your diet. I mean, one cheeseburger from Mcdonald's has at least 300 calories in it alone, plus another 2 or 300 from the fries, and 150 in a small soft drink. SO in place of fast food, maybe you could start by eating salads for dinner. You can make a salad taste really good if you add the right ingredients. I would also stay away from carbs because your body turns it into sugar and it takes longer to digest and metabolize, not so great when you're trying to lose weight. Stick to meat and vegetables and little to no sugar, you should be thin in no time! Although since you are quite tall, I think your ideal weight would be around 150's - 160's...i think.
I lost 3 dress sizes and it was incredibly simple. I stopped eating rubbish! No chocolate or take aways. I also have to walk up a lot of stairs at work and am generally on my feet a lot, so you don't even need to run, as long as you are on the move a lot you will lose weight.

Using the fast food and fattening foods thing as an excuse means you are in denial and you actually can't be bothered to lose the weight. If you really honestly want it then your parents will support you and stop buying foods which will maintain your high weight, they might even be really up for trying it themselves.

I suggest fish and chicken. When my boyfriend feels that he has put on too much weight he just cuts out carbs and lives on chicken and spinach for a month or so, he also takes the dog out for long walks as soon as he gets up in the morning.

Good luck!!
1. ask your parents to buy more healthy snacks for you, that way you can avoid the fattening things in the pantry

2. continue walking/running, even if it doesn't seem to help you loose weight, it is good for you.

3. When you have fast food, see if they have any healthier options, like water instead of soda, or a salad instead of a burger.

4. Limit your portions. when you go out, don't eat the whole thing. ask for a to-go box and eat the rest for lunch some other day.

5.Offer to cook dinner once a week, that way you are guaranteed to have a healthy meal at least once a week. Your parents would probably appreciate the extra help.

6. Get a buddy, you are less likely to give up if you have somebody to help and support you
I was overweight a little when I was your age but I lost it quickly after I became Vegetarian...thats what I did, BUT Im not recommending you do that because I dont know how you feel about going Veggie and I think you should talk to your doctor before you change your diet that much and risk not getting the nutrients your body needs to grow. If you went to talk to a Dr. and you guys worked out a plan for you to follow then go for it but you could also change your daily eating habits..I know you said you eat out alot but instead of ordering the burger and fries, opt for a grilled chicken and nix the fries. or order a salad-most fast food places have them now, or a wrap. Im sure if you combine your walking with a small change in the things you order you'll notice at least a litle difference. Good luck and be safe about what you eat...also, be sure to drink lots of water!
Well if you're male- actually 180 lbs is about ideal for that height. If you're female you probably want to be maybe 130-150 lbs.

You can start by eating about 5 or 6 smaller meals a day. Thats like half a sandwich instead of a whole sandwich and make sure lots of water. Avoid soft drinks.

Try using free weights 5 or 10 lbs and do exercises with those to build a little muscle tone will help burn some fat also. Walking is good- it takes awhile to lose weight and for you see weight loss on the scale especially. SO just keep walking and moving around. Avoid fast food also

In general you should not eat more than 2,000 cal. a day

It really is about eating healthier. You dont have to give up everything you love, but making small changes in the way you think about eating will really help you. I urge you to visit and create a profile. Log your calories, put in a goal weight and when you want to achieve it by, log exercise and it even gives you exercise routines you can do everyday (not strenous, just small strength builders). You WILL see a difference and I promise you will also have more energy!

Have your parents go with you to the grocery store and buy healthy items, ( eve gives you weekly meal plans that you can print out and take with you) so you will have healthy items to chose from when you get home from school.

Good luck!
First of all ask your parents to start keeping healthier food in the house. Tell them that you are trying to lose weight and would like to have them help you with this. Change the little things in your day, take the stairs or if going to a story park far away. This will help a little and a little is better then nothing. Being so young I wouldnt recommend a diet pill but more of your parents help.
Well for your height you seem fine.. all you need is just to exercisesa little more and stop eating fast foods. You can always learn how to cook if your parents aren't home. Its simple and there's a lot of quick simple healthy meals out there. You can also drink a lot of lemonade because it helps clean you inside. Oh yeah, and since you're a freshman.. you should join some sports at school.. basketballs pretty cool. So just eat healthy, exercise and play some sports. Good Luck :)
not eat till you get to that not the best way but it is the fastest,your parent is the most important part since they suck up to you when you don't eat.So it is probobly the best to camp outside or a fat camp just do it too. I went on a fat camp once, it do me some good and also,if you looking for a long term weight loss, you need to count fat calories(don't eat anything but oatmale) and excercise
Heres a good trick =o

Drink lots of water it makes you want to pee more and speeds up your metabolism. Don't eat after 7 pm. Have big brekfasts, medium lunches, and smaller dinners. That way when your sleeping your not letting all the food fat settle into your body.

Hmm dancing helps lose weight too XD and saunas actually. Good luck! =D and have fun with it don't torture yourself!
To Lose Weight Just Simply Eat Less And Exercise More.

Try To Eat 3 Healthy Meals A Day And For Snacks, Don't Have Chocolate Or Crisps, Eat Fruit Instead.

And Drink Nothing But Water.

By Just Doing That, You Will Eventually Lose Weight.

And You Could Maybe Join The Gym Aswell.


Cut Down Your Calorie Intake To 1500.

Hope I Helped. :)

eat healthier,

in cereal boxes they have those step counter thingies,

walk up and down the stairs with something to lift up %26amp; down

buy that slim milk can


and maybe even dance, i think its a fun way!
eat three small meals a day that are healthy. fruits, veggies, salad, etc. stuff thats healthy. chicken, fish you know the deal. and walk/run everyday do a little excersize.
Try eating ';Sara Lee's Deli Creations.'; My favorite is Honey Ham %26amp; Swiss. After a good lunch go swimming, skating, bicycle riding, or dance at home. Then try only eating 2 snacks a day. In no time you will lose about 30 pounds! Good Luck!


When i felt i was overweight, i did a ton of crunches each night and it paid off. Crunches work the stomach mucles while running usually just works the legs. Try that. =]

Good luck, darlin
eat healthy exercise a lot like running push-ups sit-ups drink a lot of water stay clear of unhealthy drinks do some sport of some kind
Diet and exercise. Eat less eat healthier and exerise.

^just kidding^

but go on a run, get off the computer and eat salads and lots of water!
sit ups twice a day when u wake up and in the evening also power walking is a very good exersise.
should should run every morning about half a mile and in like a week you will loose about 4 pounds o and eat less
Drink more water

Exercise more

Eat healthy

Eat less

Hope this helps.
Try Weight Wachers! It is cheap, and it works!
First of all, kudos to you for taking the initiative to take this step to better your life. Based on what you've posted, I could only infer your parents are not setting the best example when it comes to dieting, and there is nothing wrong with you taking over leadership of your family's diet for them. In fact, they may appreciate the help.

****If your legs/heart/lungs are healthy:

If you're a freshman in high school, I strongly recommend talking to your cross-country coach about joining the cross country team. You'll be surprised how much he or she will know about dieting since most coaches and teachers are educated on this subject. Once on the team, learn from your coach and fellow runners on how to endure physical pain-- trust me, it's gonna hurt. Don't let this discourage you. Running is a 90% mental game. Once you conquer physical pain, you're on your way to a strong mental regiment that nothing or no one can break. (Always listen to your body, however). A great reference training and dieting is here:

Even if you're not into running, give yourself the opportunity to try it-- it's a win-win situation. In my experience, 1 week worth of running marks the beginning of when you'll start seeing results weight-wise, and three months performance-wise.

*****If you have leg/heart/lung problems:

Already, you are at a disadvantage than most high-schoolers, but you can make up alot of ground. Walking alone will not help as you are young and your bodily will require more physical exertion than just walking. Second to running is swimming as a great exercise if your health permits you to do this. Use the internet for PROVEN dieting techniques and ensure that you become a strong influence in your household on dieting...if you don't already know how to cook, try cooking healthy foods for you and your family..again, they'll likely appreciate it. Remember, everyone is different, so don't be too quick to fall for those quick weight loss gimmicks. Always do your research.

The key is to build a strong MENTAL regiment first and the rest will follow. Good Luck!
You need to cut out the fast food, or at least eat the right things..

Check this out:

It will tell you the calorie info on food from a lot of fast food places...

The walking was good for you, but you destroyed it by eating too much...

Its all about input versus output... you have to use more calories then you are taking in...

Count your calories using the site... try not to take in more then 1500-1800 a day... then go walking like u used to...

You will see results... you will lose a few lbs a week...

just talk to your parents and see if you can get some easy things to get to put together (wholemeal pasta, jacket potatoes) at the weekends you can go grocery shopping to plan

just cut out fattening things, and try and do at least 30 minutes of exercise per day (walking, swimming, shopping even counts!)

the problem with dieting is people want instant results and that is just not possible. you HAVE to keep at it, even if you treat yourself once a week with a chocolate bar. its worth it in the long run

good luck!
  • burts bees
  • How to become a Doctor (advice)?

    I want to become a doctor when I grow up and I would like to get some advice for what path to go through you can also put a link to a website with information. ThanksHow to become a Doctor (advice)?
    The most important advice you can get is not to over-plan. Right now, it's time for you to be a kid. Play sports. Go on dates (if you're old enough!). Be active in your church/community. Sure, your high school courses should be a college preparatory track, and when you get to college, you'll want to plan your curriculum to get in the classes that medical schools want you to have had, but that's in the future, and you'll have plenty of time for worrying about these things as they come along.

    How to increse length of penis, without pills and machines, Advice please, which can be done in house?

    There is no way to safely increase your penis size. The average penis is 5-7 inches when erect. I am sure what you have will work perfectly fine. Like they say, it's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean. In other words, just learn how to use it!How to increse length of penis, without pills and machines, Advice please, which can be done in house?
    start wieght lifting.How to increse length of penis, without pills and machines, Advice please, which can be done in house?
    There is no way of increasig the length of Phallus.Please remember IT is a type of muscle.Regular usage ( sex ) naturally makes it long and thick, and prolonged disuse makes it thin and short.No part in the body benefits by disuse and phallus is no exception.
    You can't and it is not worth, I guess.

    On some anonymous web sites, you find miraculous pills and creams that are ineffective.

    Then you can find two external mechanic systems: pump and extensor.

    The pump is useless.

    The extensor (Andro-Penis) machine is based on the principle of traction and it’s used to enlarge the penis. This growth occurs due to the reaction capacity of tissues to undergo cellular multiplication when they are subjected to a continuous force of traction and of the subsequent “pull”.In the time there’s an actual enlargement but penis becomes more flabby too.Before to use it you should value some consequential collateral effects, which become graver with the age. I guess that such devices are sold on some web site or in some specific drugstore.

    Sex satisfaction isn't measured by penis lenght!

    Please be happy and enjoy as you're.

    How do i muster up the courage to ask a girl out people. Please give me some advice.?

    Especially women. hehehehe!How do i muster up the courage to ask a girl out people. Please give me some advice.?
    The easiest way to get over that hump and ask a girl out is to think about what would happen if you never find the courage to do so...What would happen if you don't ask her out? Probably nothing. Think about that, and about how you wish you would have done or said something when you had the opportunity.

    You cannot fear the rejection; what you have to fear is the regret of never asking in the first place. Trust me, you wouldn't regret asking her out, even if she said ';no.'; Realistically, there is no difference between her saying ';no'; to you, and you never asking (thereby automatically making the answer ';no';). At least you'd know. It's what you don't say, that you'd regret the most.


    Alternatively, you could just get drunk (or high) beforehand. I do that when I need to calm the shakes, and I'm definitely not short on courage in those times!

    Now go git 'er!How do i muster up the courage to ask a girl out people. Please give me some advice.?
    Just be confident and cool. Nobody's saying you have to be totally calm, but it does help. If you get shot down, it's important to brush it aside quickly and move on as if you really didn't want her to say yes. It may seem cruel, but this will establish dominance amongst female friends of said romantic interest. I mean, don't be a jerk about it or anything. If you get a yes, great. Good job. If no, just act quickly to erase the thought from everybody's short term memory.
    To pluck up your courage, one way is to be thick skin and make it short and sharp. Try some of this suggestions. Just close your eyes and repeat after me.

    1.Ah girl, I want to go out with you!

    2.Dear girl, you free, want to go out?

    3.Wow..this girl has turned into a woman, want to go out?

    4.Pretty woman, go out, interested?

    5.Hello babe, $50 an hour, want to go out?

    Now, ain't that good advice? Hahahaha! (Don't repeat this)

    Good luck?
    don't think of it as an instant relationship.

    your want to get to know her.

    she maybe beautiful but she could be a crazy monster inside.

    or have a personality you can't stand,

    think of it as a parlay

    i have been with girls that i just wanted to run away from

    and never see Again. they seem great at fiist.
    Well one of the easiest ways to do it is to just write out the message on your phone. But have on a text message sending to the one you like. This helps If you fail every other opportunity you get. Grab a coin flip it and decide heads or tails heads you push send and pray lol. Tails flip the coin again.
    this probably isnt the answer you are looking for.. but just do it

    think of it like this.. nothing ventured nothing gained. if you dont ask her out then you dont have any chance of going out with her

    and if she says no... then you'll just have to get over it. everyones gets turned down sometimes, its normal
    Grow some balls, start a conversation, and ask her out.
    Just strike up a conversation with her.Then you might get some idea if she likes you.If you get on-then ask her. ;)
    make a date with the presentation of some nice flowers. we die when flowers are given.

    Advice how to spend money?

    We both work me and my wife but I spend money most of the time even she spends money but very rarely . I earn 3 times more then her but I still hear that I don't spent money. How should we spend money.Advice how to spend money?
    have you got a nice house? - if not get one

    have you got a nice car? - if not get one

    have you got a nice garden? - if not make it nice

    do you buy enough good clothes? - if not buy some

    do you have decent household appliances? - if not get some

    Why do you need to dpend money? If there isn't anythng that you want to spend money on, then save it.
    I think you should save it or invest it
    Save at least 10% of your take home pay. Start an investment account. You should at least be investing in mutual funds.
    Take the advice of an old fart, don't go into debt. You should save at least 20% of your income every payday. Use a debit card ,not a credit card. Pay all bills on time. Remember , other than a house and a car, pay cash. If you can't afford to pay cash for something, you can't afford it.
    If you have any debts, pay them off starting first with the highest interest rate. Pay down your mortgage as fast as you can without prepayment penalties.

    Unless your wife really likes her job, she should quit and enjoy being at home. If you have children, I think it's very important for one of the parents to be at home for the children, even if they are at school much of the day.

    Once you are debt free then you can start thinking about buying things of lasting value. Make improvements to your home. You can also give money to your favorite charities.
    give some to me! seriously if you genuinely have nothing to spend it on invest it for your retirement.
    Hunni, if you aren't spending money that's a GOOD THING. money spent is money wasted, money saved is money earned. why are you worried about spending? if you have enough, don't worry about ';oh dear i cant spend my money'; think about the people out there that don't have a penny to their name.

    Set up a budget that you both agree on and stick to it. Make sure that budget sets aside money for your future and it is never to early to think of your retirement.
    She handles the cheaper finances why you handle the more expensive ones. Split your fincaces into categories. Let her handle 1 or 2 bills why you handle the others she can't afford.

    You two should sit down and decide who will pay for what according to your incomes.
    Wow, your lucky. My wife spends all my money and she doesn't work, she gets some from child support. But don't spend more than you make, don't use a credit card unless for emergancies, put money in savings for a rainy day.
    spend them for ur needs's gud to save money for future needs......
    Give it to charity

    How to increse length of penis, without pills and machines, Advice please, which can be done in house?

    There is no way to safely increase your penis size. The average penis is 5-7 inches when erect. I am sure what you have will work perfectly fine. Like they say, it's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean. In other words, just learn how to use it!How to increse length of penis, without pills and machines, Advice please, which can be done in house?
    start wieght lifting.How to increse length of penis, without pills and machines, Advice please, which can be done in house?
    There is no way of increasig the length of Phallus.Please remember IT is a type of muscle.Regular usage ( sex ) naturally makes it long and thick, and prolonged disuse makes it thin and short.No part in the body benefits by disuse and phallus is no exception.
    You can't and it is not worth, I guess.

    On some anonymous web sites, you find miraculous pills and creams that are ineffective.

    Then you can find two external mechanic systems: pump and extensor.

    The pump is useless.

    The extensor (Andro-Penis) machine is based on the principle of traction and it’s used to enlarge the penis. This growth occurs due to the reaction capacity of tissues to undergo cellular multiplication when they are subjected to a continuous force of traction and of the subsequent “pull”.In the time there’s an actual enlargement but penis becomes more flabby too.Before to use it you should value some consequential collateral effects, which become graver with the age. I guess that such devices are sold on some web site or in some specific drugstore.

    Sex satisfaction isn't measured by penis lenght!

    Please be happy and enjoy as you're.

    How do i muster up the courage to ask a girl out people. Please give me some advice.?

    Especially women. hehehehe!How do i muster up the courage to ask a girl out people. Please give me some advice.?
    The easiest way to get over that hump and ask a girl out is to think about what would happen if you never find the courage to do so...What would happen if you don't ask her out? Probably nothing. Think about that, and about how you wish you would have done or said something when you had the opportunity.

    You cannot fear the rejection; what you have to fear is the regret of never asking in the first place. Trust me, you wouldn't regret asking her out, even if she said ';no.'; Realistically, there is no difference between her saying ';no'; to you, and you never asking (thereby automatically making the answer ';no';). At least you'd know. It's what you don't say, that you'd regret the most.


    Alternatively, you could just get drunk (or high) beforehand. I do that when I need to calm the shakes, and I'm definitely not short on courage in those times!

    Now go git 'er!How do i muster up the courage to ask a girl out people. Please give me some advice.?
    Just be confident and cool. Nobody's saying you have to be totally calm, but it does help. If you get shot down, it's important to brush it aside quickly and move on as if you really didn't want her to say yes. It may seem cruel, but this will establish dominance amongst female friends of said romantic interest. I mean, don't be a jerk about it or anything. If you get a yes, great. Good job. If no, just act quickly to erase the thought from everybody's short term memory.
    To pluck up your courage, one way is to be thick skin and make it short and sharp. Try some of this suggestions. Just close your eyes and repeat after me.

    1.Ah girl, I want to go out with you!

    2.Dear girl, you free, want to go out?

    3.Wow..this girl has turned into a woman, want to go out?

    4.Pretty woman, go out, interested?

    5.Hello babe, $50 an hour, want to go out?

    Now, ain't that good advice? Hahahaha! (Don't repeat this)

    Good luck?
    don't think of it as an instant relationship.

    your want to get to know her.

    she maybe beautiful but she could be a crazy monster inside.

    or have a personality you can't stand,

    think of it as a parlay

    i have been with girls that i just wanted to run away from

    and never see Again. they seem great at fiist.
    Well one of the easiest ways to do it is to just write out the message on your phone. But have on a text message sending to the one you like. This helps If you fail every other opportunity you get. Grab a coin flip it and decide heads or tails heads you push send and pray lol. Tails flip the coin again.
    this probably isnt the answer you are looking for.. but just do it

    think of it like this.. nothing ventured nothing gained. if you dont ask her out then you dont have any chance of going out with her

    and if she says no... then you'll just have to get over it. everyones gets turned down sometimes, its normal
    Grow some balls, start a conversation, and ask her out.
    Just strike up a conversation with her.Then you might get some idea if she likes you.If you get on-then ask her. ;)
    make a date with the presentation of some nice flowers. we die when flowers are given.
  • burts bees
  • Advice how to spend money?

    We both work me and my wife but I spend money most of the time even she spends money but very rarely . I earn 3 times more then her but I still hear that I don't spent money. How should we spend money.Advice how to spend money?
    have you got a nice house? - if not get one

    have you got a nice car? - if not get one

    have you got a nice garden? - if not make it nice

    do you buy enough good clothes? - if not buy some

    do you have decent household appliances? - if not get some

    Why do you need to dpend money? If there isn't anythng that you want to spend money on, then save it.
    I think you should save it or invest it
    Save at least 10% of your take home pay. Start an investment account. You should at least be investing in mutual funds.
    Take the advice of an old fart, don't go into debt. You should save at least 20% of your income every payday. Use a debit card ,not a credit card. Pay all bills on time. Remember , other than a house and a car, pay cash. If you can't afford to pay cash for something, you can't afford it.
    If you have any debts, pay them off starting first with the highest interest rate. Pay down your mortgage as fast as you can without prepayment penalties.

    Unless your wife really likes her job, she should quit and enjoy being at home. If you have children, I think it's very important for one of the parents to be at home for the children, even if they are at school much of the day.

    Once you are debt free then you can start thinking about buying things of lasting value. Make improvements to your home. You can also give money to your favorite charities.
    give some to me! seriously if you genuinely have nothing to spend it on invest it for your retirement.
    Hunni, if you aren't spending money that's a GOOD THING. money spent is money wasted, money saved is money earned. why are you worried about spending? if you have enough, don't worry about ';oh dear i cant spend my money'; think about the people out there that don't have a penny to their name.

    Set up a budget that you both agree on and stick to it. Make sure that budget sets aside money for your future and it is never to early to think of your retirement.
    She handles the cheaper finances why you handle the more expensive ones. Split your fincaces into categories. Let her handle 1 or 2 bills why you handle the others she can't afford.

    You two should sit down and decide who will pay for what according to your incomes.
    Wow, your lucky. My wife spends all my money and she doesn't work, she gets some from child support. But don't spend more than you make, don't use a credit card unless for emergancies, put money in savings for a rainy day.
    spend them for ur needs's gud to save money for future needs......
    Give it to charity

    I need advice on how to pace my marathon.?

    My last one was completed in 4 hr 58 minutes. This time i am aiming for 4 hr 45 minutes. That means 6m 45 secs per km. Is it best to try and maintain that steady pace for the whole way or should i pace myself quicker at the start and slow it down?I need advice on how to pace my marathon.?
    I always thought it was a good idea for runners to try to keep a reserve for the end. I'd think if you tried to maintain a good pace throughout and then speeded up in the last few miles you'd do better.I need advice on how to pace my marathon.?
    The longer the race, the shorter the warmup. And for a marathon, that's little more than some stretching and loosening up. So I'm always in favor or starting off at a slower pace, making sure all the stuff works properly and there are no phantom problems that pop up. After 4-6 miles, I'd speed up a little to try to get onto your splits.

    Frankly, my time was about the same as yours, but, unfortunately, I developed a pain in my calf at about 2 miles and finally started walking and running alternately at about 12 miles.

    Good Luck

    I recommend you do the first half in about 10-15 min faster then the last half..

    Find a pace band on the web and run with that鈥?/a>
    You have to be very mentally tough and experienced to pull off negative splits. But one important variable that you need to consider is the course. In my experience, some courses are best approached by trying to run the early miles a little above goal pace, just because the course is easier at that point. Others have some tough miles with lots of hills early, and you would be wise to take those miles easy.

    Take Boston for example. The first 15 miles are flat or gradual downhill, but there are some tough hills around 20 miles. You would want to be a little above goal pace through the down hill parts, while saving a good reserve of energy for the tough hills. The St. George Marathon on the other hand has some hills early, and then long downhill stretches in the last 10 miles, and it's almost hard to not run negative splits unless you blow up.

    The weather conditions are also a huge variable. If it's hot, or the wind is against for long stretches, it's best to not worry about time goals. Just focus on keeping the effort nice and steady and try to survive.

    So, I would recommend suiting your pacing strategy to the course, and trying to keep the effort constant throughout. Just avoid the biggest pit fall, going out to fast in the first few miles, no matter the course.

    One final thought, I always tried to set several goals in a marathon, the first one is always to finish. Then set a couple time goals and a couple mental goals. Any marathon I finished and still felt strong and in control was a big sucess to me.
    Well, my best time was a bit over 3 hours (03:04:05 - which is a time you couldnt get if you tried - 3,4,5!).

    Apart froma little showing off, the 1st 2 km were at 6\min km pace (which if I had continued would be a 4:10 marathon). Going slow at the beginning is the way to go I think. The first 2 were very slow, however after that I was slightly out of breath and running easily - so I just upped the pace to what I could manage at the time and continued at that.

    If you set off from the line too fast you will manage a few KM then start to slow while you recover and then you pick the pace up again to the pace you can run at. These extra 4 mins in a marathon are relativly nothing so no harm going slow at the start, dont get out of breath and keep a steady pace.

    There are many peolpe who say a negative split is good - start slow, and fast 2nd half.... if you can manage it.

    I would say either a steady pace or slow then speed up if you can.

    I got a Garmin GPS for christmas and it sounds very good but I havent used it enough to get used to it. 拢170 is a lot though. It beeps when you go outside your pace by too much so you can try to alter your speed - like I saifd though, I need to get used to it a bit.
    the best tip I can give (as a previous marathon runner) is to start out quite slowly, by the half way point you'll know how much you have left in the tank and you can choose to keep the pace or pick it up.

    That way at the very least you should finish without killing yourself (metaphorically and literally).

    Sometimes you can just have a 'bad day' where you cannot find a reasonable pace or the stamana to keep one up, thats why I find the above method is generally the best choice for amatuer runners.
    For marathons and long run events I recommend pacing yourself evenly throughout the race. If you try to go out to fast early you will only use up your energy stores earlier and faster. Since you already know that the last 10K are the hardest of the Marathon you will want to make sure the first 32 go as smooth as you can.

    If you are worried about pacing you could buy a Garmin Device to help, the forunner 205 is nice if you don鈥檛 want the heart monitor that comes with the 305. Of course if you are using a Nano you could get the Nike Chip that helps.

    My aim this year is to turn my 4:49 Marathon into an under 4:30. Keep in mind that no matter what as long as you finish you are a winner. Also you can get a pacing band, at鈥?/a> this can help make sure you keep your splits fairly even.

    Harry Jacobs
    If you can mentally, the second half should be faster than the first.

    I need some advice for learning how to skateboard!?

    What will a practice board cost than if I really want to stay with it what should a good complete board cost me, than I plan next winter to get into snowboarding!

    ThanksI need some advice for learning how to skateboard!?
    well........... the first board i got kryptonics it was a nice board

    when you get a board learn to stand on it ... i know it sounds stupid but it works do what feels best for you

    the first thing you want to do when learning to skate board is learning to stop ... you push the tail down so it scrapes the ground if you do this right or long enough it will eventually stop

    next learn to manuel, like that one guy said push the tail down like stopping but its not supposed to hit the ground and you may fall off sometimes but falling helps you learn

    take it from me skateboarding is a great sport learn to do it and its funI need some advice for learning how to skateboard!?
    Well the first thing you need to know is thant skateboarding is no easy thing so you should start with easy tricks. start off with a manual. a manual is when you push your tail back but not so much because then you could fall of. take some time to practice that then move on the an ollie and so forth.

    I want to open up a embroid./shirt printing business. Any advice or suggestions? (How much, type of equipment

    I answered a similar question just yesterday. If you want to open a store then that's a different issue, but try an online business first. Selling t-shirts can be tough and very competitive. Do you have any unique ideas or artwork?

    Here's the best suggestion I can give you and it's a low cost way to get your feet wet. Go to and look into setting up an online store. They have a free and low cost version of a store. The quality of the shirt design is acceptable but does not match the higher quality and durability of traditional screen printed shirts, but start out small to see if there is a market and then you can upgrade your business to other types of t-shirt printing and suppliers.

    You have to have some experience with graphic design creation (or know someone who knows how) to make your designs to upload to their site. There are file size, file type and physical size requirements for all the different types of things you can offer (yes, you can have more than just t's with your designs) .

    No need to worry about huge upfront investments to start. Try this low cost way to see if you really have something people want to purchase and get the business experience without having to worry about vendors, order taking, inventory, shipping, returns, etc... You will, however, have to market and promote the heck out of your online store as there is a TON of competition in t's.I want to open up a embroid./shirt printing business. Any advice or suggestions? (How much, type of equipment
    buy iron on paper

    Any advice on how to get my son to like the water?????

    I have a 30 month son (2 1/2) and he is horrified of water unless it is in a bath tub. Everytime I try and take him to the lake or even to a kiddie pool he freaks out and screams the whole time. We went to the beach for the 4th and ended up leaving because he wouldn't even walk in the sand down by the water. I am a bit concerned, most kids his age you can't keep them away from it. Some people have suggested swimming lessons, but I don't see how that will work if he freaks just looking at it. please help!Any advice on how to get my son to like the water?????
    Dont push him. When you do this can be a scare for life. Try to get a DORA or his favorite show DVD where they go to the beach. Bring someone who has kids his age that he likes to play with and have them go in the water... Get some toys specifically for the water and beach and dont let him play with them anywhere else.. maybe this will push him.. Wish you luck!Any advice on how to get my son to like the water?????
    Little kids are smart. It might just be that he really isn't that fearful of water, but enjoys the attention he gets by freaking out.

    Whether he's truly afraid or not, I don't think forcing him to be by water is a good idea. Just expose him to it once or twice a month. If you wait a few weeks, he might just ';forget'; he's afraid of water.
    How does he do with an inflatable kiddie pool? If he is ok with that then maybe the waves scare him. My 2 year-old granddaughter is a bit afraid at the beach but is absolutely crazy about the waterpark. I guess you'd just have to start really small with a large container of water that he can play with and perhaps step in and out of, like a large dish pan. Or how about playing with a trickling hose and some buckets.Maybe bring him a bucket of water to play with when you are at the beach. If you force him, it will definitely only get worse. My daughter at 2-10 years always had to keep wiping her face with a towel. That was weird. At 24, she loves the beach but just never became a real water lover. Go gently and slowly and let him decide where his comfort zone is. Perhaps someday when he is not too freaked out, he will want to join the other kids playing in the sand or at the shoreline. He is still young enough to change. Definitely no swimming lessons until you can hold him with you in the water without him screaming. Too bad you can't pinpoint what has happened or what he is really afraid of. The sinking feeling of the sand? the force of the waves? Too deep? Lost his breath when he went under? Can't see the bottom? Then you could work around it. Good luck. I hope he eventually outgrows it.
    Maybe have children his age around that like the water, and Keep a close eye on him because even those little kids can be cruel . Eventually he'll get used to it.
    My son loves water...but hated to get his head wet! Once we told him to close his eyes...then it was fine....

    Anyway..back to your question...give him time...He will be ok with water in his own time....
    give him time, there are other things he likes. He will grow out of it, he just is unsure. The water is cold, it is nothing like the bath and the sand may not feel good to him. Wait till he is older don't rush or push him into doing something he doesn't like.
    Maybe he doesnt like the cold water.

    Try putting him in a colder bath for some playtime when it is hot outside to get him used to the colder water.
    I had the same problem with my son. I took him to the beach last year and he absolutely hated it. My daughter was having a great time so I had him sit in my lap the whole time. The next time we went I took some toy cars and boats. After sitting on a towel for 20 minutes or so my son decided he wanted to play with the trucks and cars in the sand. He had to sit on the towel, but at least he was playing. Before we left the beach that day he was sitting in the sand having a great time. He is three now and we still go to the beach on a regular basis. He is just now wanting to wade in the water and he is now playing in a kiddie pool at home. I hope his fear of the water will completely disappear soon -- well almost completely!!

    Good luck and God Bless!!!
    have you gone in yourself to show him there is nothing to be afraid of? go in and call him in to a shallow pool. show him how fun it is and not scarey. make sure he has a life jacket on at all times. cus once he finds out how fun it is, he may jump in. best wishes.

    How can i convince my mom to let me visit my friend in montreal. Im 17 and plan on flying alone. any advice?

    if i were your mom u wouldn't go either.How can i convince my mom to let me visit my friend in montreal. Im 17 and plan on flying alone. any advice?
    you'll have to first assure your mom that you are capable of traveling alone, you'll have to tell about your friend. you tell her that you would call her everyday (if possible) and will return soon. if any of your friends will be present at your friend's place tell that too. after you tell your mom about this then do patiently wait what she tells and then decide upon things.How can i convince my mom to let me visit my friend in montreal. Im 17 and plan on flying alone. any advice?
    if i were your mom u wouldn't go either.
    Why should your mom change her mind and allow this trip? You do not provide details. Is this an online friend? Who pays for the trip? Who will you stay with when there? Does your mom know them and their family? Is this you wanting to leave the country to see someone?

    With all the details missing, I think there is something not right with this situation.

    Please do not go and run off to meet up with someone. It is cruel to your mom and if this is anyone online, Do NOT go.

    Even if you do know them form somewhere in real life, it is too dangerous and mom is right to say no.
    tell her that u really miss your friend...and that it's only one short plane ride to, tell her that u'll call before and after the plane ride...good luck! :)
  • burts bees
  • I have 2 comet fish in a 3 gall tank advice welcome on how to keep them happy?

    arrgh do you have any idea how BIG these fish get?! I'm so sick of people going why my fish dying?! it because the frekin pet shop doesn't give you any info on these pets and YOU didn't RESEARCH them before you thought it would be cute to two COMETS in a 3G tank grrrrr.I have 2 comet fish in a 3 gall tank advice welcome on how to keep them happy?
    The only way to keep them happy is to move them to a pond. Comets are pond fish and will certainly become stunted and die early deaths in a tiny tank like that. They would be better off for a while in a larger tank, but they are large, active swimmers and would not be happy in any tank you can fit in your home.

    The goldfish that require 10 gallons each are the fancies only, the ones with double tails and round bodies. Comets are long, slender fish with single tails... that means they are fast swimmers and can grow to eatin' size!

    Until you can figure out what to do with them, they will producing lots of ammonia in that little tank. You need to keep them as healthy as possible by changing the water out daily or they will die painful deaths as their gills burn and they suffocate.I have 2 comet fish in a 3 gall tank advice welcome on how to keep them happy?
    get a bigger tank and feed them
    to keep them happy you will want to get them a 20 gallon plus aquarium. goldfish get big, and when people tell you that fish grow to the size of their tank, don't believe them. what these people mean to say is that fish die before they reach adulthood due to stress and disease.

    so, once you get a bigger tank, you will have to do a 30% water change every week.

    don't overfeed (feed as much as is eaten in 5 minutes).

    don't add any more fish.

    it sounds like a lot of work, and sometimes it can be, but in the end, its worth it.
    They need much more room.Do you have a filter in the tank?You

    will need to clean the tank more often with it being so small.A

    lot of waste from them.The more you clean the quicker and

    bigger they grow.
    well, it would make them much happier if they were in a proper sized tank! comet goldfish get very large and produce copious amounts of waste. those 2 fish need 40 gallons of heavily filtered water MINIMUM.
    get them a bigger tahnk each goldifsh requires 10 gallons each so 20 galls for ur goldies
    :O you need at least 55galls for comets, they produce more waste and ammonia than any other fish of equal size and often more than large fish, the amount of space these guys need is big, i see these as pond fish not for aquariums, my freind has a 3 gall tank with 3 large goldfish,2loachs,5 white clouds and a sucing pleco, that is massivly over stocked they are all alive but very unhappy, dont make the same mistake comets get around 1foot and a half, so each of them may reach the actual size of your tank end to end, but if their growth stunts, they will become deformed and their internal organs will expand and kill them, sorry its the truth many people over look, you need at least 20galls a goldfish, sorry but its the truth.
    Comet fish belong in ponds or really large tanks. A 3 gallon tank is definately not enough. 30 gal. minimum (20 gallons for the first fish and 10 gallons for each additional fish).

    Comets also produce alot of waste so change the water every week (20%). When you get a bigger tank you might want to get a python siphon to make water changing a lot easier.

    Feed them twice a day with enough food that they can finish in 2-3 min. I suggest flake food because pellets can swell in their stomachs and make them float, but comets usually do not get swim bladder problems. If you have the budget you should feed them a variety of different flakes, pellets (pro gold pellets are the best) and also freezedried blood worms and little treats of the same kind. They also need to eat veges 2-3 time a week. You can try romaine lettuce, cucumbers, spinach (blanched) and peas (goldfish's fav. steamed and shelled). Comets are very hardy fish so if you take good care of them they will grow very quickly and become very beautiful.

    For more info and help go to:鈥?/a>

    its a very helpful forum.
    Your 2 comet goldfish will die in a 3 gallon tank. That tank is not suitable for ANY goldfish.

    If you want those fish to survive, you need a bare minimum 55 gallon tank with a very strong filter. Comet and other single tail, slim bodied goldfish are actually pond fish and should not be kept in indoor tanks. These fish will reach lengths of 9-10 inches in length not including the tail.

    Buy an appropriate tank with a proper filter, find someone with a pond to take the fish or return them to your local fish shop.
    Feed them

    What causes premature ejaculation for man? any advice how to make longer whit your partner?

    Take panadol pills before starting...What causes premature ejaculation for man? any advice how to make longer whit your partner?
    It's caused by being too horny. Try to think about something that isn't sexy when you feel like you're getting close to orgasm, such as catholic nuns spanking your bare bottom for talking in class, or your aunt hilda giving you an enema.What causes premature ejaculation for man? any advice how to make longer whit your partner?
    To excited. All you need to do is practice several different techniques. First make your self think of something not so erotic just as your about to ***, also tightly squeezing the penis is a method that many doctors say to use, there are also cremes that make you less aroused and more numb to the touch, or you could just change up what your doing such as stopping intercourse and having oral or whatever, just try to keep changing whatever it is that your doing. Keep in mind that your not alone, millions of men have the same problem. Hang in there and enjoy your self. Good Luck
    Some penile skin creams advertise that they help a man last longer. These products contain topical anesthetics that dull sensation in the penis. If you like to play with penile sensation, there's no harm in using them. But they're not a good idea for learning to last longer. They dull sensation. But the key to lasting longer is for the man to become more familiar with what he feels so he can back off from his point of no return while still remaining highly aroused.

    Breathe deeply. One very easy way to stay relaxed while making love is to breathe deeply. The body has a natural tendency to breathe deeply during sex. But many men fight it. They think they should stay in control by not breathing deeply and making the little love-moan sounds that go along with it. But when men work to control their breathing, they often sacrifice ejaculatory control. Try breathing deeply. Let your breath go. Many men are amazed how much this one little change improves their ejaculatory control.

    Make some noise. Love moans help men (and women) relax, and they often help men last longer.
    learn how to hold back. ok u begin by urinating n learn how to hold them back halfway. if u can do it, then do the same thing when having sex. a lot of practise is needed, the tips is to hold ur breath n tuck in ur asss. keep practising. oh, i gt tis frm a doc..

    Any advice on how to put tampons in?

    the second i put on a pad i knew that i absolutely despised them and i would never wear them again in my life.

    im wearing one right now and im in extreme discomfort lol... i just need tips on how to put in a tampon because theres no way im wearing a pad to school tomorrow (i started my period for the first time today)

    thanksAny advice on how to put tampons in?
    How do you insert a tampon?

    When you purchase your first box of tampons, it'll have an ';instruction booklet'; with diagrams. Read the instructions carefully and review the diagrams.

    Once you're ready to insert the tampon the most important key to remember is to relax. It's not painful to insert a tampon, but if you're tense it could make the process a little uncomfortable. Before inserting the tampon, wash your hands with soap and water. There are a few different positions you can use to insert the tampon. Two such positions are either placing one foot on top of the toilet or squatting over the toilet; again you'll have to figure out which technique is best for you. Holding the center of the tampon between your thumb and ring finger and using your index and middle finger to hold the string in place, gently insert the tampon into your vagina. If you feel pain or discomfort, slow down and relax. It may take a while your first time. Once you've inserted the tampon and the center (the part you're holding on to) is at the entrance of your vagina, using your other hand, gently start pushing the exposed end of the tampon. This releases the actual tampon into your body. You know it's fully inserted when the end of the part you're pushing meets the center part you were originally holding.

    Should you be able to feel the tampon once it is inserted?

    Normally, women who wear tampons do not feel the tampon inside of them. If you can feel the object, it may mean it's not inserted properly. You'll need to remove it and try it again.

    Don't worry; your first few attempts with a tampon may seem awkward. The more you practice, the more natural it becomes.

    What about Toxic Shock Syndrome?

    There is also a very slight risk of an infection called Toxic Shock Syndrome from tampon use. This could happen if you don't use the tampons as instructed on the box. This bacterial infection can occur when women use highly absorbent tampons and leave them in too long, allowing bacteria to grow and invade the vaginal walls. You don't want to use a more absorbent tampon than what you actually need. In other words, don't use the super absorbent because you think it means you can leave it in longer. Tampons should be changed every four to six hours. Also, look on the box to see how often the manufacturer recommends the tampon be changed. Toxic Shock Syndrome will usually occur within five days of the start of your period, and the symptoms include a high fever, rash, vomiting and diarrhea.

    If you can't find the string on a tampon, what do you do?

    A ';lost'; tampon can become infected if left in the vagina, producing a very bad smell and even fever and ';toxic shock syndrome.'; So it is very important to remove tampons within 6 to 8 hours. Sometimes the string on the tampon does not hang down toward the vaginal opening the way it should. Excuse us for being very explicit, but this is what to do. You might be able to pull it out: wash your hands thoroughly, squat over the toilet, and try to locate it with your index finger. If you are able to feel it, or the string, ';bear down'; as if you were having a bowel movement while trying to remove the tampon. This may be painful or difficult, especially if you are a virgin. If you don't succeed, your doctor will be able to remove it.

    I hate using pads myself, makes me feel gross %26amp; feels as if im wearing a diaper! Tampons all the way :P Best of luck hun! %26amp; congrats on becoming a woman!Any advice on how to put tampons in?
    It just sounds like you didn't put the tampon in far enough before removing the applicator. When it's in far enough, you should feel nothing at at all. That's why women sometimes forget that they still have one in there.

    Just sit on the toilet, relax -- take deep breathes if necessary, then push the tampon in as far as you can with your longest finger. After that you shouldn't feel it anymore. If your finger can't get the job done, use another tampon. But remember that no more than an inch of applicator should be felt outside of you when you have inserted it far enough, BEFORE pushing the tampon in. The farther in the applicator is, before you push the tampon in, the better.

    Good luck!
    hah, ohh lord.

    you better get used to a pad.

    putting a tampon is even more uncomfortable

    than you are right now. I wouldn't stick one up there just yet.

    how old are you anyways ?
    there are pics on the box.

    Any advice on how to boost my confidence like speaking to public and stuff (speech) ?

    i am a shy person and i have to admit it, i dont have the balls to be confident !!!Any advice on how to boost my confidence like speaking to public and stuff (speech) ?
    I was shy as hell... what helped me get over it is just throwing myself into a situtation where I was forced to confront my fears. For example. I took a speech class in high school where about once a week we had do give a speech in front of the class. Also I volunteered at a nursing home... that doesn't force you to talk infront of a large group but it makes you talk to people from all walks of life. It makes you get used to talking to different people and strangers. Plus with my job that I have now (receptionist) I have to talk to A LOT of people and have to at least act like a people person. I say just throw yourself in their and all will get easier after a few times.

    Practice makes perfect.Any advice on how to boost my confidence like speaking to public and stuff (speech) ?
    Read a book on public speaking. Go talk no one will hurt your for talking.
    Find a friendly face in the audience, and talk to them. No one else will even notice!
    Any drama/acting tuition available in your area ? That helps a lot of people !
    it depends on waht subject u r talking about. If your goal is to talk about something that has long words, try to minimize them long words cuz wen ppl get nervous, some get humiliated when confusing similar and long words. sorry 4 using LONG WORDS all the time. good luck. and first thing, have confidence in yourself, don't cough, drink water, and try to not strain your voice.
    start with smaller groups, say 2 or 3 people that youknow and trust then try bigger groups. If you can, have a friend in the audience and speak to them, that helps. You can join Toast Masters as well they can help. Best adice is the more you do it the easier it will become....doesn't mean that it will ever be easy though...lots of people suffer from stage fright.
    look yourself in the mirror and have practice conversations with yourself
    shyness and confidence are at polar extremes, but are often grouped together. When addressing a crowd your body will naturally ready itself for what it sees as confrontation. This materialises by a large rush of adrenalin as a defence mechanism. the body sees the situation as a new and unknown obstacle and as such will be ready to fight or flight. This mean you will now have the the means to stay and fight (present to the crowd) or to flight (to get away asap) Chemically there is no difference between the body's preparation for excitement, and for a bad experience. it is how you interpret this that affects your state of mind. So like i do, find a positive element of the occasion, and focus only on that. then tell yourself that the rush of adrenalin is in preparation for this success. The success may be that you will overcome your fear of speaking to a crowd. The bottom line is that everyone feels the same way when addressing a crowd, they just interpret it in a different manner. Any one who says they feel nothing is either dead or a liar. Good luck mate.

    p.s. try it out on a small crowd first, and make sure there are people you don't know in that crowd.
    Imagine them in their underwear or sitting on the loo.. That should make them more an equal in your eyes and make them look less scarey and human..
    You could always try hypnotherapy.
    imagine everyone in their underwear
    well if you prepare yourself, you'll feel less nervous. the only thing you can do to gain confidence is to put yourself in situations in which you have to speak. think that it's not big deal. you are afraid of speaking 'cuz you don't know what may happen, but if you do it several times, then you'll be so used to that you'll forget the fear you once felt. good luck buddy!!!!
    Drink 1 shot of liquor to loosen you up. Then picture everyone in the crowd is naked.
    If you have to do a speech for class, pratice first, alone or in front of stuffed animals, or your parents.
    I have been an entertainer for 33 years and one old trick I used to do was to look just slightly over the heads of the crowd.I no longer do this as I gained confidence over the years.Confidence is the key.
    talk loud...eye contact....fake smiles make money
    I thnk I have the same problem, but I struggle with it the only way I find good enough: I just speak with a lot of different people (who are usually complete strangers to me). You just pretend to be some other person and force yourself to talk to people. Ask questions, tell jokes etc. First it's scary, but then it really helps.
    Look around for a group in your area called Toastmasters. They're usually offered through work and are a great way to boost your public-speaking skills. They'll help you with your presentation and confidence, and also help you to better organize your thoughts and ideas and make better arguments or presentations.
    Speaking in public, the best thing you can do is to practice your speach alot before the event, the more prepared you are the easier it will be, not just in public speaking but in all events. practice in front of friends or family once you practice alone, this should help get you more confident. good luck
    I am shy also, but I find that if I prepare by practicing whatever it is I'm going to say, I'm a lot less nervous when the time comes. Remember, the audience is usually more bored and distracted than anything else. But anyone who is really listening is most likely rooting for you. When the time comes, walk up like you own the place and just start speaking as if to someone in the middle of the room and keep your head up. Speak up and speak clearly and you'll be fine. Practice in front of your friends and family, first.
    hey...dnt b's not all that tuf! 1st try speakin in front of the mirror...without'll do wonders to your confidence! n then start rehearsin with familiar ppl, ppl u r really comfy in front of your parents n frens....rehearse well...even if it's a small publicspeech.. rehearse will boost your confidence! wen u r new..try fixing your gaze at a fixed object like the ceiling or the wall in front! once you start gettin confident, try to maintain eye contact, that's essential for a good speaker. n only the initial fear is major, 10secs on stage n the rest of your talk will jus flow!n remember to smile, it will make as well as the audience comfy!
    try practising in front of the mirror and when u start to speak in public tell one of your friends to sit and concentrate on him while speaking also warn him against laughing .prepration also counts a lot for every minute of public speaking u should prepare forat least 6 minutes
    I was the same way but my major forced me to take an oral communications class were we had to make a public speech every other week, after doing it a few times i didn't mind so much, i think its just getting over that initial fear. and the fear of screwing up, but if you can laugh at yourself when you screw up and just roll with it in your speech and make fun of it before anyone else does then the crowd is laughing with you not at you. play to the crowd, everyone is scared there first time i was terrified, but by the end of the semester i was voted the best public speaker in my class. every time you do it it gets easier.
    Imaging yourself being a teacher talking to children. Relax... Nobody's gonna do you no harm.
    Try Hypnotherapy is really really works.
    Honestly, practice. Talk to friends first.
    before u speak in public first face urself in the mirror and speak to urself and tell urself that u can do it.this will give u confidence in facing others.
    I have done quite a bit of public speaking and I find the best way to improve your confidence is to firstly make sure that you know what you are talking about and secondly try to imagine that you are talking to a friend. I also find it helpful to address one person in the audience rather than the whole crowd, preferably someone you know or looks nice.
    Join your local ';Toast Masters'; group. You will get alot of practice and alot of positive feedback on your speaking.

    Someone advice me how to use Diane -- a contraceptive pill? does it work in all women? o?

    or it will not work on some ? i consulted an ob-gyne and wont prescribe me coz she said she is a prolife doctor.Someone advice me how to use Diane -- a contraceptive pill? does it work in all women? o?
    Go to another doc who is more modern in outlook.

    Any advice on how to find a local band to perform at a bash?

    I'm organising a bash for a client in OCtober and they've asked me to find them a band. Last year they had Bruce Dickinson play and because he was a memeber of the group only charged them 拢400, they're looking for a completely different style this year but for the same budget and on the internet I can only find decent agenceis that start from at least 拢800, anyone know of a way to source local acts (possibly newer) that I may be able to get within budget?Any advice on how to find a local band to perform at a bash?
    you can put photocopied flyers on bullentin boards at local music shops, record stores, should be able to find a local band that will fit yer budget...
  • burts bees
  • I am taking trig but haven't taken geometry, I hear there is geometryin in trig. An advice on how to prepare?

    does anyone know what geometry I should cover before I take trig in the spring? I have a highschool geometry book someone gave meI am taking trig but haven't taken geometry, I hear there is geometryin in trig. An advice on how to prepare?
    Thinking spacially and knowing your algebra is what is most important. Make sure you know about angles in degrees and radians would be a good idea as well. Knowing about graphing circles and the primary quadrents (0, 90, 180, 270, 360 degrees) are also important. I am taking trig but haven't taken geometry, I hear there is geometryin in trig. An advice on how to prepare?
    Not quite sure how you managed to bye-pass geometry, but they do things differently now. Get a high school geometry text from the library and work your way through it. Call your local board of education and find out if they have on line tutorials for this subject. You will need to invest at least an hour a day and really push yourself to come up to speed for trig but I'm sure you can do it. If there are different levels for geometry texts take the university level one. I always pushed my kids to shoot for the stars and see where they settled.
    familiarize yourself with sin, cosine, and tangent

    also you should learn about the Pythagorean theorem:

    a^(2) +b^(2)=c^(2)

    those are what i've used most of the time and haven't used much more from geometry. in geometry you basically go more in depth with shapes and finding area

    Any advice in how to apply liquid eye liner?

    u have to have a steady hand otherwise i'd suggest u ask sum1 else to put it for u

    anywayz make sure ur eyelids are stretched and then apply the eyeliner...and make sure u let it dry or else ur gonna have 2 lines on ur eyes...and thats sure to make any1 crack up... :)

    it'd help to have one eye open at all times....Any advice in how to apply liquid eye liner?
    If you're going for precision, I just lay it on thick and keep a Q-tip moistened with water or eye makeup remover ready to swipe off the excess for a perfect line.

    Also, dotting it between your lashes (I do it after applying mascara) adds a lot of drama, too.Any advice in how to apply liquid eye liner?
    10x mirror, elbow on flat surface, sometimes I heard its best to rest your wrist on your upper cheekbone, then draw the line to the halfway point, reposition the wrist continue the other half line to finish the whole line.

    Othes go right to left in a quick motion. Tricky. Unless your left handed go left to right. Is this making sense?
    its just that u need to practice for a while before u can manage to wear eyeliner properly. i suppose u know to wear it but u just dont wear it perfectly?? just pratice for some few days and u will know to wear it .
    I would suggest you get a normal eyeliner pencil in the colour of the liquid eyeliner you are using. Use the pencil to draw the line you want the liquid eyeliner to cover and then go over the pencil line with the liquid eyeliner. The pencil is much easier to rub off if you go wrong and having an outline for the liquid eyeliner makes it much easier to apply and makes it more accurate!
    While you're still getting the hang of it, I recommend a slightly thick line, and then erasing with a Q-Tip. Try to avoid applying another layer; it'll just make it harder to fix. Good luck! I've had horrible experiences with liquid liner.... If things really don't work out, try black eye shadow or pencil liner.

    I'm transitioning in a new field major & career. Where do I get advice on how to make my transition easier?

    Your best bet is to talk to the people who are currently teaching and taking the courses that you are about to take. They would have great strategies for coming up to speed in things, and a good idea of the job market outlook for your degree.I'm transitioning in a new field major %26amp; career. Where do I get advice on how to make my transition easier?
    Every county has a One-Stop employment services center. They have info on Jobs, Job training and all sorts of job related stuff. Check'em out

    Any advice on how to ease fears of public speaking..?

    Go to the following article, ';Outstanding Presentations Start in the Mind: Five Presentation Skills Secrets for Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety,'; at the following link: advice on how to ease fears of public speaking..?
    Prepare, Prepare and prepare some more, good speakers ooooz confidence it is because they have prepared. Write it down, I talk a lot and last week had to thank a speaker in front of a group, I was lazy hadn't taken notes and mucked it up which distorys confidence.Any advice on how to ease fears of public speaking..?
    Easy. And I'll do it with NLP, (Neuro Logistic Programming) It's called The Circle Of Excellence

    1. Identify the external triggers for unresourceful state. These could be visual, auditory, tactile or smell or taste stimuli.

    2. Build a powerful resource state using the circle of excellence technique. To create a circle of excellence, draw an imaginary circle on the floor or mark a circle in chalk large enough to step into.

    3. Remember experiences where you felt powerful, creative, composed, or any resourceful state where you felt balanced and centred.

    4. Step into the circle only as quickly or slowly as you remember and re-access the resourceful state through your inner senses. ie. See what you saw through your own eyes within the actual experience, hear the sounds and language used, and get in touch with your posture, breathing and emotions when inside the desirable resource memory. Note that an observer would see changes in your physiology such as better posture, deeper breathing, and skin colour changes. If there is no noticeable change in your physiology the resource state is either poorly accessed or low intensity. If it is low intensity, choose another resource state that is more powerful.

    5. Repeat step 4. with an additional resource state, continuing to add resource states one at a time. When you have enough resources, you step automatically into a very powerful state on entering the circle which is truly now a circle of excellence.

    6. Recall a trigger for the unresourceful state as you step into the circle of excellence. Repeat process with each old trigger. Or ask your partner to play role the various triggers (gestures, words, voice tones etc) as you step into the circle of excellence.
    Know what you're talking about, because being familiar with the subject makes thigs a bit easier, look over peoples heads, and f you're brave enough make eye contact with a few.

    honestly if t his is for a class there are going to be a lot of peole who don't care or are going to zone out anyway. Not that what you're going to be talking about isn't important, but being forced to listen to something doesn't exactly inspire enthusiasm.. ^_^

    and what I always tell myself is that im not going to see these people again later anyway so just get it over with and move on.
    I hated public speaking, so I joined the mock trial club at my school. There weren't many people in it, but I learned how to do it. If a club isn't available, try finding times to talk, at meetings, at home to your family. I find my biggest fear is that I don't to say my opinions out loud for everyone to judge, so once you can do that, the hardest part is over!
    dont speak in public...
    Practice, be confident in yourselve because it will be over with soon. Never focus on one place when you're talking, look around. Ignore the people who are watching you and wiggle your toes. :)

    Any advice on how to find a local band to perform at a bash?

    I'm organising a bash for a client in OCtober and they've asked me to find them a band. Last year they had Bruce Dickinson play and because he was a memeber of the group only charged them 拢400, they're looking for a completely different style this year but for the same budget and on the internet I can only find decent agenceis that start from at least 拢800, anyone know of a way to source local acts (possibly newer) that I may be able to get within budget?Any advice on how to find a local band to perform at a bash?
    you can put photocopied flyers on bullentin boards at local music shops, record stores, should be able to find a local band that will fit yer budget...

    Any advice in how to apply liquid eye liner?

    u have to have a steady hand otherwise i'd suggest u ask sum1 else to put it for u

    anywayz make sure ur eyelids are stretched and then apply the eyeliner...and make sure u let it dry or else ur gonna have 2 lines on ur eyes...and thats sure to make any1 crack up... :)

    it'd help to have one eye open at all times....Any advice in how to apply liquid eye liner?
    If you're going for precision, I just lay it on thick and keep a Q-tip moistened with water or eye makeup remover ready to swipe off the excess for a perfect line.

    Also, dotting it between your lashes (I do it after applying mascara) adds a lot of drama, too.Any advice in how to apply liquid eye liner?
    10x mirror, elbow on flat surface, sometimes I heard its best to rest your wrist on your upper cheekbone, then draw the line to the halfway point, reposition the wrist continue the other half line to finish the whole line.

    Othes go right to left in a quick motion. Tricky. Unless your left handed go left to right. Is this making sense?
    its just that u need to practice for a while before u can manage to wear eyeliner properly. i suppose u know to wear it but u just dont wear it perfectly?? just pratice for some few days and u will know to wear it .
    I would suggest you get a normal eyeliner pencil in the colour of the liquid eyeliner you are using. Use the pencil to draw the line you want the liquid eyeliner to cover and then go over the pencil line with the liquid eyeliner. The pencil is much easier to rub off if you go wrong and having an outline for the liquid eyeliner makes it much easier to apply and makes it more accurate!
    While you're still getting the hang of it, I recommend a slightly thick line, and then erasing with a Q-Tip. Try to avoid applying another layer; it'll just make it harder to fix. Good luck! I've had horrible experiences with liquid liner.... If things really don't work out, try black eye shadow or pencil liner.
  • burts bees
  • I'm transitioning in a new field major & career. Where do I get advice on how to make my transition easier?

    Your best bet is to talk to the people who are currently teaching and taking the courses that you are about to take. They would have great strategies for coming up to speed in things, and a good idea of the job market outlook for your degree.I'm transitioning in a new field major %26amp; career. Where do I get advice on how to make my transition easier?
    Every county has a One-Stop employment services center. They have info on Jobs, Job training and all sorts of job related stuff. Check'em out

    Any advice on how to ease fears of public speaking..?

    Go to the following article, ';Outstanding Presentations Start in the Mind: Five Presentation Skills Secrets for Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety,'; at the following link: advice on how to ease fears of public speaking..?
    Prepare, Prepare and prepare some more, good speakers ooooz confidence it is because they have prepared. Write it down, I talk a lot and last week had to thank a speaker in front of a group, I was lazy hadn't taken notes and mucked it up which distorys confidence.Any advice on how to ease fears of public speaking..?
    Easy. And I'll do it with NLP, (Neuro Logistic Programming) It's called The Circle Of Excellence

    1. Identify the external triggers for unresourceful state. These could be visual, auditory, tactile or smell or taste stimuli.

    2. Build a powerful resource state using the circle of excellence technique. To create a circle of excellence, draw an imaginary circle on the floor or mark a circle in chalk large enough to step into.

    3. Remember experiences where you felt powerful, creative, composed, or any resourceful state where you felt balanced and centred.

    4. Step into the circle only as quickly or slowly as you remember and re-access the resourceful state through your inner senses. ie. See what you saw through your own eyes within the actual experience, hear the sounds and language used, and get in touch with your posture, breathing and emotions when inside the desirable resource memory. Note that an observer would see changes in your physiology such as better posture, deeper breathing, and skin colour changes. If there is no noticeable change in your physiology the resource state is either poorly accessed or low intensity. If it is low intensity, choose another resource state that is more powerful.

    5. Repeat step 4. with an additional resource state, continuing to add resource states one at a time. When you have enough resources, you step automatically into a very powerful state on entering the circle which is truly now a circle of excellence.

    6. Recall a trigger for the unresourceful state as you step into the circle of excellence. Repeat process with each old trigger. Or ask your partner to play role the various triggers (gestures, words, voice tones etc) as you step into the circle of excellence.
    Know what you're talking about, because being familiar with the subject makes thigs a bit easier, look over peoples heads, and f you're brave enough make eye contact with a few.

    honestly if t his is for a class there are going to be a lot of peole who don't care or are going to zone out anyway. Not that what you're going to be talking about isn't important, but being forced to listen to something doesn't exactly inspire enthusiasm.. ^_^

    and what I always tell myself is that im not going to see these people again later anyway so just get it over with and move on.
    I hated public speaking, so I joined the mock trial club at my school. There weren't many people in it, but I learned how to do it. If a club isn't available, try finding times to talk, at meetings, at home to your family. I find my biggest fear is that I don't to say my opinions out loud for everyone to judge, so once you can do that, the hardest part is over!
    dont speak in public...
    Practice, be confident in yourselve because it will be over with soon. Never focus on one place when you're talking, look around. Ignore the people who are watching you and wiggle your toes. :)

    Any Advice regaurding how to move to St. Louis?

    I want to move the suburbs, not the city because of the crime rates.Any Advice regaurding how to move to St. Louis?
    Contact a local realtor to find an area that is suitable and close to where you are going to work. Traffic is no fun.Any Advice regaurding how to move to St. Louis?
    depending on how big and how much you want the house to be is where you want to live. average in north, and west county, rich in south county! that's about all you really need to know!

    Any advice on how to approach infertility issues...?

    My husband and myself have been married a year and after under going test he is sterile. We want to have a child ...So does any one know away to find sperm donations facilities or other fertility related matters? Possibly a website or hotline that would connect we with a facility in our area. We live in central florida. ThanksAny advice on how to approach infertility issues...?
    The doctor who performed this test can refer you to a fertility clinic that performs artifical insemination.Any advice on how to approach infertility issues...?
    Try adoption. There are plenty of needy children out there with no parents and need a good home.鈥? Start there.

    Any advice on how to please my girl?

    i'm a virgin and i'm pretty certain that i'm about to have sex with girls who are virgins and some who aren't. well can anyone give me any tips so i won't look stupid? i'm working with a 6 and something inch penis that curves to the left, i haven't measured the thickness because i didn't know that mattered. so can i get some advice on virgins and non virgins? also what does lubricant do?Any advice on how to please my girl?
    You need to ask her what she likes. Personally, I find that a turn-on.If she is not shy or uninhibited, she can guide your hand to her ';hot spots';. Now you need to take some mental notes about what she tells/shows you...I hope you find a girl that is sensitive to you because a lot of them want you to know what you are doing baby, just giving you a warning...make sure whomever you get with, have some feelings for her, as well as she should have for you, it makes the sex intimate...No, you don't have to be ';in love'; but it just feels far as the ';curve'; that doesn't matter with it okay? GET SOME CONDOMS!!!! Peace.Any advice on how to please my girl?
    I wont act as an expert, as ive never had sex before. but i do read alot, and speak with people that have so i can answer some of your questions. The only difference between pleasing virgins and non-virgins is that virgins are in the same position that your in now. People that have already had sex usually, after a while know what their doing. Your penis size is fine, and the curve wont impact in sex as some too most males have curves. Lubricant is to smoothen {cant think of a better term sorry :P} the contact with 1. your hand 2. your girlfriends vagina {duh?}. I would advise not using this while a virgin because unless you and her have no natural lube {meaning pre-*** and *insert correct term for chick squiting?*} you should be fine. hope i helped :P
    oral sex all you need to know, the rest will come to you
    Gracious - how old are you? Is this something you should even be thinking about yet?

    Any advice on how to stop biting my nails please?

    Sit on your hands.Any advice on how to stop biting my nails please?
    Maybe use a strenghtner nail polish so when your nails are growing nice and pretty you will not want to bite them, I use Sally Hanson 4 in 1 complete care, and its like these are not even my nails anymore they are soo different so once your look really nice shiny and long you may not like biting them and get really mad about it!Any advice on how to stop biting my nails please?
    Catch worms, will put you off nail biting for life. They lay their eggs and they spread all over. Then they get caught under your finger nails then when you bite your nails the eggs go down to your bowels and hatch in there and then you have worms living in your bowels. Surly that will put you off.
    when u try to bite them try thinking about all the things that u have touched or used that r stuck underneath or cut ur nails to a good length everytime they grow, that wud make it hard to bite and wen u eventually stop u might be able to make them grow long and nice without u biting them!
    Use Nail Clippers and carefully cut them so short there is Not any nail left to chew on.

    Then add a Clear Protective Nail Polish or a Nail Gel to what finger nails you have left.

    Only USE nail clippers %26amp; a nail file. Just say NO!!
    willpower ??

    anyway that stuff ya put on is crap lol

    you eat food and errghh that food tastes mingin !!

    everytym you try to bite them try and do something else i dnt know t stop me biting ma nails it just really happened.

    Maybe, you should watch this movie, ';tomb sucker';...

    Maybe, when u watch it, you'll find the way to stop your bad hobbiess...
    Put hot sauce on your fingernails or any other food like you don't like (e.g. mayonnaise, ketchup, you get the idea whatever you don't like)
    There are nail varnishes you can get from chemists (and probably online too) that taste really bad, so you'll try to bite your nails then stop cos its that bad. Try that if you get desperate!
    When you realise you are biting, take your hands out of your mouth. You will stop biting fairly quickly.
    Stop using toilet paper.
    there is this polish that tastes really bad and you can get it at like walmart or target
    Have your teeth removed !
    wear gloves.
    cut your fingers off
  • burts bees
  • need advice on the best way to take my rubber gloves off? how do u take yours off?

    need advice on the best way to take my rubber gloves off? how do u take yours off? need advice on the best way to take my rubber gloves off? how do u take yours off?
    Grab the part from the wrist, pull 3/4's of the way off inside out. Then you never have to touch the dirty part of the glove when you put it back on. You touch the inside part to slide it onto your hand, then roll it up by the edge of it. need advice on the best way to take my rubber gloves off? how do u take yours off?
    If you put a little talcum powder inside the gloves they will come off with no problem.
    Use talc then take them off inside out finger by finger

    Thursday, July 29, 2010

    Any advice on how to get my son to like the water?????

    I have a 30 month son (2 1/2) and he is horrified of water unless it is in a bath tub. Everytime I try and take him to the lake or even to a kiddie pool he freaks out and screams the whole time. We went to the beach for the 4th and ended up leaving because he wouldn't even walk in the sand down by the water. I am a bit concerned, most kids his age you can't keep them away from it. Some people have suggested swimming lessons, but I don't see how that will work if he freaks just looking at it. please help!Any advice on how to get my son to like the water?????
    Dont push him. When you do this can be a scare for life. Try to get a DORA or his favorite show DVD where they go to the beach. Bring someone who has kids his age that he likes to play with and have them go in the water... Get some toys specifically for the water and beach and dont let him play with them anywhere else.. maybe this will push him.. Wish you luck!Any advice on how to get my son to like the water?????
    Little kids are smart. It might just be that he really isn't that fearful of water, but enjoys the attention he gets by freaking out.

    Whether he's truly afraid or not, I don't think forcing him to be by water is a good idea. Just expose him to it once or twice a month. If you wait a few weeks, he might just ';forget'; he's afraid of water.
    How does he do with an inflatable kiddie pool? If he is ok with that then maybe the waves scare him. My 2 year-old granddaughter is a bit afraid at the beach but is absolutely crazy about the waterpark. I guess you'd just have to start really small with a large container of water that he can play with and perhaps step in and out of, like a large dish pan. Or how about playing with a trickling hose and some buckets.Maybe bring him a bucket of water to play with when you are at the beach. If you force him, it will definitely only get worse. My daughter at 2-10 years always had to keep wiping her face with a towel. That was weird. At 24, she loves the beach but just never became a real water lover. Go gently and slowly and let him decide where his comfort zone is. Perhaps someday when he is not too freaked out, he will want to join the other kids playing in the sand or at the shoreline. He is still young enough to change. Definitely no swimming lessons until you can hold him with you in the water without him screaming. Too bad you can't pinpoint what has happened or what he is really afraid of. The sinking feeling of the sand? the force of the waves? Too deep? Lost his breath when he went under? Can't see the bottom? Then you could work around it. Good luck. I hope he eventually outgrows it.
    Maybe have children his age around that like the water, and Keep a close eye on him because even those little kids can be cruel . Eventually he'll get used to it.
    My son loves water...but hated to get his head wet! Once we told him to close his eyes...then it was fine....

    Anyway..back to your question...give him time...He will be ok with water in his own time....
    give him time, there are other things he likes. He will grow out of it, he just is unsure. The water is cold, it is nothing like the bath and the sand may not feel good to him. Wait till he is older don't rush or push him into doing something he doesn't like.
    Maybe he doesnt like the cold water.

    Try putting him in a colder bath for some playtime when it is hot outside to get him used to the colder water.
    I had the same problem with my son. I took him to the beach last year and he absolutely hated it. My daughter was having a great time so I had him sit in my lap the whole time. The next time we went I took some toy cars and boats. After sitting on a towel for 20 minutes or so my son decided he wanted to play with the trucks and cars in the sand. He had to sit on the towel, but at least he was playing. Before we left the beach that day he was sitting in the sand having a great time. He is three now and we still go to the beach on a regular basis. He is just now wanting to wade in the water and he is now playing in a kiddie pool at home. I hope his fear of the water will completely disappear soon -- well almost completely!!

    Good luck and God Bless!!!
    have you gone in yourself to show him there is nothing to be afraid of? go in and call him in to a shallow pool. show him how fun it is and not scarey. make sure he has a life jacket on at all times. cus once he finds out how fun it is, he may jump in. best wishes.

    Has anyone got information on how to apply for a settlement visa when their spouse is Moroccan? Any advice?

    I recently married my husband (Moroccan, 26)... I am British and am 18... Any advice/help/info would really help us!! ThanksHas anyone got information on how to apply for a settlement visa when their spouse is Moroccan? Any advice?
    links will give you all the infoHas anyone got information on how to apply for a settlement visa when their spouse is Moroccan? Any advice?
    Your husband will have to return to Morocco to apply for a spousal visa and you need to fulfil the visa requirements- job, accommodation, 6 months bank statements,proof of marriage, photos etc

    At age 18 you might face some problems but the decision to grant a visa is arbitrary

    Any advice on how to not say things you shouldn't when you are ticked off?

    I recommend using super glue or duct tape for your mouth....Any advice on how to not say things you shouldn't when you are ticked off?
    Are you fcuking kidding me? I still haven't figured that one. And sometimes, it's best to just say whatever the hell is on you're mind at the time instead of letting it fester like a damn boil.Any advice on how to not say things you shouldn't when you are ticked off?
    The best way to do it is to empty your mind and think of something that pleases you and makes you happy let what is being said float over your head. It works great for me.
    walk away...out of the house...out of off.....OR...don't let him get to you like you really care all that much what he is saying after you have cooled off and thought about....?
    When my wife and I argue and I'm about to something I will regret I leave the room. I have even gone for a drive till I cooled down. Of course I sometimes so those things anyway. LOL
    Usually the person that says ';whatever'; to tick me off is an @$$ anyway.....and I won't stoop to there level.....this IS what they want and expect.....surprise them.....BE STRONGER.....:o))))
    Put something in your mouth..... for me, a snickers bar! I think the psychology behind it is to bite down on something?
    I dont really think I can give advice right now...I'm a little too ticked off to be honest..
    When you find the answer to this question, please let me know.
    And you think you're mad, they're are the ones getting their butts pinched.
    nah, just let'er rip
    just think of a happy place when you look at them
    count to ten or

    go i your room and scream into a pillow